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Archive / Vectus
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No Mo: "Monorail campaign stalling? Even named backers not along for ride" Failed to gain any momentum; group hoped to plan 16 mile route and downtown PRT loop outside of regional planning structure. Cites Vectus in Korea as example of PRT. 10-21-2014
 • Monorail ballot measure loses huge, Yes 20%, No 80%. 11-5-2014

Vectus now part of POSCO ICT (PDF, p.15) 9-12-2014

The Vectus system in Suncheon is now back online at -- but not in English. 8-11-2014

Where's Vectus' web presence? 7-25-2014
The websites for POSCO's PRT company and the Suncheon project have expired:
"Vectus" not mentioned in official press release announcing opening of Suncheon system.
Restored as of 2015 3-13-2015

"Korea's First Personal Rapid Transit" POSCO blog. 4-30-2014

Vectus/SkyCube test period ending. 4-3-2014


Suncheon PRT in new SkyCube livery
Official public opening of 40-pod shuttle April 19

• Articles point to problems with noise, vibration, air conditioning, platform doors experienced prior to safety approval: 1, 2
• "Only one year late..." (Kojects) 4-12-2014

Suncheon PRT system renamed 'SkyCube'. 3-25-2014
Cooperative agreement signed between POSCO, 'SkyCube' operator Eco Trans. 3-31-2014

Mixed messages: What's the story with Suncheon Bay's PRT? (Kojects) 9-16-2013
May/may not close to public at Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving) Sept. 19, may stay open until end of Garden Expo Oct. 20.

Auditor faults selection of POSCO for Suncheon PRT 9-10-2013 View Story

Suncheon PRT popular 8-19-2013
'Automatic railway' a major tourist attraction, say event organizers.

"Suncheon expo pilots automatic railway." 8-14-2013
Reported $53.5 million PRT project now up to 20 pods; delays blamed on parts supply. photo

Source: Martin Pemberton, Sales & Marketing Director, is no longer with Vectus. 7-17-2013

Official Pinanfarina video from Suncheon. 6-4-2013

First video from Suncheon of trip in a Vectus PRT pod. Lots of footage of guideway, approach to stations and depot. Pod itself not visible; way to show off that Pinanfarina styling, guys! 6-4-013

Vectus muffs Suncheon launch target date 4-25-2013 View Story

View maps of the various zones at the International Garden Expo 4-5-2013
Interpretive page for the 'PRT Square' public space located in the Wetland Zone. The Expo opens April 20, 2013.

Suncheon opening draws closer. 2-14-2013
"PRT System to Open in April for Suncheon Bay Garden Expo"
Company update, Feb. 2013
Official Garden Expo video
Suncheon PRT will not launch on time, see 4-25-2013

Suncheon construction almost done (PDF): Vectus PRT Update (Oct. 2012). 11-7-2012
Work on depot, stations and guideway "nearing completion" just outside this city in South Korea. Eight photos; the final picture of concrete guideway appears quite wide because it holds track for travel in both directions.* There are 2 stations with in-line berths. 40 pods are planned.

• (11/16) Martin Pemberton, Vectus director of Sales & Marketing, confirms for NewsCenter that the Suncheon stations are offline: "Maybe some confusion in terminology. By 'in-line' we mean [vehicles park] one behind the other. The stations are 'off-line' from the main track, ie. in siding as you call them."


* The width of single guideway is 1400mm/4.6ft (pods are 6.9ft-W x 12.2ft-L)
Suncheon PRT will not launch on time, see 4-25-2013

Editor's Blog: Cameron Emptor. 8-10-2012

Vectus official tips business plan: "We believe there is a huge future for PRT in emerging economies where there is little existing infrastructure and an urgent requirement to install low cost, energy efficient transport systems on a countryside basis." 7-26-2012

UK Tram, a British rail industry group, has issued How To guidances on developing PRT projects 7-20-2012

Observers of new transit technology need to keep an eye on: "South Korea debt crisis looms." 7-18-2012
Financial crisis in South Korea could impact steel giant POSCO, parent of pod transit company Vectus.

Access for all: Universal design blogger reviews Vectus PRT with eye to improving transit for people with disabilities. 7-12-2012

Model of updated Vectus vehicle in London exhibition - by Italian car designer Pininfarina 6-18-2012

Updated brand video 2-4-2012

"A concept whose time has come". 6 min. segment from Urban Mobility 2011 series on Current TV (former Vice President Gore's network) 9-6-2011

"Many vendors may get on board" 8-25-2011

Translation: Groundbreaking for POSCO's first Vectus PRT system was held June 24 in Suncheon 6-24-2011
     • Neighbors worry eco-transit system will ruin privacy, views 7-4-2011
     • The system on Google Maps


Vectus developing larger vehicle option - this is for the 'mini-metro' GRT niche (e.g. Perugia; from pdf 03 of the PCC San Jose conference Full Documentation)

"Building permits clear" for 4.5 km system in South Korean national park, near Suncheon. 5-13-2011

POSCO (now "a leading Korean IT firm") rep namedrops PRT at Doha ITS gathering 5-4-2011

Difficult to read machine translation about the Suncheon project 12-26-2010

"Follow that Pod Car!" ("World Business" video, 5 min.) 6-25-2010

Glitch during testing: Pods stop during reporter's visit (autotranslated, for "glue" read LIM) 3-1-2010
       EXCLUSIVE: The glitch explained

Government positive about PRT (Radio Sweden) 1-15-2010

Innovation will highlight public transport (VTI Transportforum) 1-14-2010

Why podcars could change how we travel 12-7-2009 (Emirates Business 24-7)

Meet the Mod Pods 12-2-2009

POSCO makes deal for Vectus in Suncheon, S. Korea 9-26-09
      • Photos of signing

"Swedes Going Green in Emergency" 7-28-09

Joan Bokaer: TheocracyWatch founder, podcar advocate (see July 14, 2009) 7-8-09

Amer. Society of Civil Engineers: Vectus PRT Concept and Test Track Experience by Gustafsson & Lennartsson. 6-24-2009

Videos: Swedish officials ride Vectus - 1, 2 (May 2009, Per Ankersjö and Lukas Forslund, liberal Center Party)

Uppsala demonstration facility on Maps

Uppsala Daily News: planning reaches a public phase
      • Op-ed advocates balanced approach, 4-14-09
      • "Reluctance to build rail", 4-19-09

Swedish and Korean websites now match (March 2009). New illustrations reveal styling variations.
      • Winter Test video at 4 sec headway; redcar accelerates smartly from standstill

Coverage of visit by Members of Riksdag (Swedish Parliament), March 26, 2009

NY agency awards grant to Ithaca feasibility study March 2009

"Can get car-free city with høybane" (Tønsberg, Norway)

Kompass cities meet in Sweden (Jan. 2009)

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