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Happy Holidays from Vectus PRT:

"Time for podcars in Uppsala?" "ABC" program, SVT, 12-10-08

Second Vectus video


Ithaca Takes a Hard Look at Pod Cars (NY Times)

TV coverage of Ithaca conference: WENY covers Podcar City Conference; clips from new Vectus animation.


NY Democrat praises PRT efforts - Rep. Hinchey Visits C.U. For Podcar Convention "a transportation bill is long overdue... because this administration is not willing to deal with the economy, [and] because they're not interested in reducing our dependence on oil"
Conference promotes podcars (Cornell Chronicle)

"Big plans for PRT," "ABC" program, SVT, 9-11-08

Prof. Burke's ambitious podcar vision (LA Times) Sep. 8, 2008
Is PRT for real? (LA Times transportation blog)

IST and Vectus pursue opportunities in Jämtland county May 7 & June 28, 2008

Karlskrona officials make case for PRT May 7, 2008

Uppsala to start planning PRT network. Focus of study is the Boländerna district.

POSCO opens Vectus research/marketing/sales office in Sweden (Vectus Newsletter #14). Move comes as project submits reports to Swedish Rail for safety certification.
Vectus partner describes testing protocol. Article from Relcon Scandpower describes safety analyses and Swedish government standards to be met (pp. 18-19).
Vectus receives safety approval from Swedish Rail (p.4)

Liberal-left The Guardian reports on PRT: Welcome to the Transport of Tomorrow

Report from Podcar City Conference's Vectus press event (Stockholm's DN WebbTV)

Vectus official project video (Quicktime)

Vectus newsletter: First pictures of Vectus cabin posted (

Vectus also reports the Swedish Rail Agency has given safety approval for the vehicle when running with personnel onboard, and running with multiple vehicles.

TV report on Vectus from UNT, Uppsala Daily News (in Swedish). Undercarriage testing on guideway; good look at station. Ulf Larsson and Yeon-Yoon Choi interviewed. 5-29-2007
English transcript 6-5-2007
• Earlier UNT article (May 6): Driverless test in Uppsala
Report by Sweden's TV4 5-29-2007

Swedish technology delegation, environment minister get good reception in California (Institute for Sustainable Transportation)

Vectus vehicle (2-26-07):

Vectus newsletter #7 reports this is the vehicle being designed in Derby, England. A station has also been designed, described as "futuristic, simple, environmentally friendly and "cool". There has been a great deal of focus on availability for functionally disabled people."

Vectus taking shape (12/06)

Vectus newsletter #4 reports test track outer loop (mainline guideway) completed; inner track (siding) and platform are next. First chassis arrives in Uppsala; initial testing OK received from Swedish Rail Agency.

Second Vectus newsletter reports progress. Highlights:
• Parts fabrication taking place
• Electrical systems were to arrive in Uppsala at end of September
• "Showroom building" constructed
• In-guideway LIM configuration tested at scale, in two different models
• Design of cabin exterior set; interior in progress
• Switching will involve wheels in the vehicle chassis

POSCO involved: PRT envisioned for Incheon Free Economic Zone
      • Into the Vanguard (Oct 2007)

Korean ambition meets Swedish quality (p.28)

Vectus releases first project newsletter

Launch of Vectus page in Swedish
      • in English

Test of driverless track-transport starts

A test track for driverless trackcars in Uppsala began construction this week at Rosendalsområdet sportsfield. $13.7 million is ventured on the project by Korean company Vectus, Academic Properties owns the land being used temporarily for the construction under planning permit. The track will be 400 meters long and circular.

Photo of Vectus test site

The University Biomedical Research Centre in Uppsala.
The Vectus PRT test track will occupy a portion of the sports field at lower left.

Soon Göran Persson will be able to fly to work ... But Volvo is not scared 2-15-2006 Open/Close

"Trackcar tests in Uppsala" (translated)

"Trackcars on the way to reality?" (translated)

Article on Vectus test facility (translated excerpt)—
Aftonbladet (Evening Edition)

Jan. 1, 2006
Cars on track to the future
Sara Haldert
Already in Sydney

• Electric system
• Driverless vehicles seating 1-5 persons
• Stations on sidings and don't block other traffic
• [Systems like] trackcars are already in several places worldwide. In the year 2000 Sydney received [an automated monorail] in connection with the Olympic Games.
• Morgantown, WV has had trackcars since 1975.
• London's Heathrow has ordered a trackcar system.

Source: Magnus Hunhammar
January 13-14: a seminar will be held at the Cultural Center to debate trackcars

    Forget buses.
    Trackcars are coming.
    The future is near. At least in Uppsala, where noise-free trackcars will be in the air within two years. They are small, driverless, electric-powered vehicles on rails. Five meters up in the air.
     "They function like an elevator, but in a different direction. They are fast and safe, and don't stop for red lights," sayd Magnus Hunhammar, trackcar researcher at the Institute for Sustainable Transportation.

385 meters long
    By the end of January a 385-meter long trackcar test loop will be built by the soccer field outside Uppsala. There the Korean trackcar maker Vectus will adapt trackcars for snowy and rainy Swedish weather. Cost: 40 million.

Soon for the public
    And soon available to the public, according to Hunhammar.
    "Following successful testing there will be a pilot project in Uppsala within two years. It will be 3-4 km going from the research center to the university hospital," he said.
    And a small route in Uppsala is just a start.
    "Eventually we'll introduce trackcars to travel between towns," said Hunhammar.

Vectus work starts this month (translated excerpt)—
Current Project: Tracktaxi instead of bus

First groundbreaking in January

(Uppsala, Akademiska Hus) In January 2006 Vectus authorities break ground for building the 400 meter-long test track on the soccer field near the Biomedical Center. Academic Properties has made the land available for the planned five year test period. The first year will test how the system functions in snow and cold, and the Swedish Railway Authority will supervise and approve.

Equipment from several research and development centers around the world will be integrated and test-driven. Intensive work is also going on with designers on important details like adjustable seats and the door mechanism.

Landscape architecture students from the SLU [sustainability university] have given many options for design of the area. Proposals have objectives to integrate Tracktaxi into existing residential and shopping areas. Future possible opportunities include study of behavioral effects of Tracktaxi, such as people's experience of safety and comfort.

Vectus website launched

POSCO program (Updated Dec 14. 2005): Navigation/control system for Vectus PRT said to be a direct copy of Skyweb/Taxi 2000's.
Correction: Vectus navcon developed in-house
A Vectus project engineer has provided a correction to this report. Ms. Dawn Choe states that the Vectus navcon system is the product of two years of work, involving neither technical transfer from or collaboration with Taxi 2000. Ms. Choe describes Vectus as a passive-vehicle PRT concept, propulsion will be provided by guideway-mounted linear motors. Such a system therefore could not use navigation/control created for self-propelled PRT vehicles. We are sorry for the error.

Oct. 19, 2005- Vectus Ltd. (POSCO) building test track in Uppsala, Sweden.
"Vectus Ltd , a subsidiary of Korean steel corporation Posco will in autumn build a test track for Tracktaxi in Uppsala, according to Uppsala municipal authorities. The track will be built on Academic Properties land by Dag Hammarskjold Way, to study and monitor how the system handles winter. We shall follow how it is going." Source

Translation, earlier announcement of test track site 6-20-2005

Translation of Uppsala municipal announcement 8-15-2005

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