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Heathrow personal transport pods are coming 1-23-2009

PRT in MIT Technology Review 2-8-2009

Podcars inch from myth to reality 2-11-2009

Google Street View: Heathrow guideway visible from Western Perimeter Rd.

Opposition to Daventry PRT planning Schism grows between District Council and Town Council. 4-10-2009

Podcars in the movies 4-15-2009

Brief video from Heathrow PRT 4-21-2009

Asko Kauppi's photos from LHR conference

Pick Of The Pods 5-7-2009

"PRT Capital Costs Likely Understated"; math by rail advocate 5-14-2009. Devises scenario under which vehicles must be heavier, leading to higher guideway cost.

Light Relief

Heathrow Tests Personal Rapid Transit Jul-Aug 2009

"Personal rapid transit" (Number Crunching blog)

Daventry PRT on hold due to global recession 8-10-09

ULTra in Popular Science 8-19-2009

"Heathrow travellers get a robot chauffeur" New Scientist, 8-27-2009

ULTra batteries and charging described 8-28-2009

ULTra debut delayed to Spring 2010 9-4-2009 "Testing of the PRT System is continuing and, with all installation and communications challenges now resolved, we anticipate commencing passenger services in late Spring 2010."

"Bold new transit system" (South Bay, SF area) 9-16-2009

San Jose sustainability officer visits Heathrow 9-18-2009

Futuristic ULTra Sustainable Transport in the Here and Now 10-4-2009

ULTra featured on The Discovery Channelmultiple segments on podcars

Flight innovations you'll love (CNN Budget Travel) 10-16-2009

Rider experience video (Cardiff, Apr 2009) No audio:

Civitas news release on Bath UK PRT design expo 11-16-2009

ULTra inspires kids to design 'light rail' line (Sammamish,WA) 11-20-2009

Councilman Koretz blows Curbed LA's mind with PRT 11-20-2009

Meet the Mod Pods 12-2-2009

Heathrow throws the driver out 12-9-2009

Heathrow Central Terminal Area study by ATS

Video: What a round trip on the Heathrow PRT looks like

Video: ULTra demos multi-pod operation 12-24-2009

Daventry Town Council meeting: "hundreds" in "almost unanimous opposition" to District Council's PRT plan 1-15-2010

"Futuristic transport for Cardiff still on hold" 1-25-2010

Results of the Bath design competition 2-2-2010

After Heathrow, Pod Cars may well hit the Millennium City (India) 2-18-2010

Passenger pods without a driver are almost ready for take-off at Heathrow 3-9-2010

53rd annual Viva Award (UK livery guild) 3-15-2010

Future transit could connect Shoreline, Moffett businesses (Mountain View, CA) 3-23-2010

Futuristic Luxury Pods 4-5-2010

Video: Trial handles 48 riders in 5 minutes 4-6-2010

ULTra to begin public operations in June 5-8-2010

Civitas seeks public comment in Bath 6-10-2010

"Follow that Pod Car!" ("World Business" video, 5 min.) 6-25-2010

Pod Cars Start to Gain Traction in Some Cities, New York Times. Increasing interest, and relevance to green objectives; special attention to Heathrow program. 9-20-2010

ULTra in Intersection design magazine (#8) 10-19-2010

ULTra Heathrow begins public service (#1) 10-19-2010

Smooth ride to Golden Temple (Amritsar) 10-25-2010

Exhibition for Gurgaon mobility conference (Times of India) 12-5-2010
"Answer to the urban chaos" Gurgaon (NewsX cable news)
Bandra-Kurla Complex Mumbai commercial zone (Times of India)

Snow no problem at Heathrow 12-22-2010
Flights at London Heathrow airport are getting back on schedule after recent heavy snow and arctic conditions -- but the weather has been no problem for Heathrow's ULTra PRT. Sources tell the NewsCenter that the new automated pod transit system is handling the snow well. The open mesh guideway allows snow to pass through, and it is hard for ice to form on the pebbly surface.

ULTra reports results of a trip capacity test conducted Jan. 11, 2011. (see also time-lapse) 1. 18 people performing the test were able to make 164 journeys in one hour. 2. This is a total capacity of 656 passengers per hour for the fleet of 18 four-seat pods. 3. No technical issues were reported

The Times of India reports the state of Haryana has approved the study of a PRT system in Gurgaon, outside New Delhi (see earlier). 1. The study will be carried out by ULTra and the local firm Fairwood; 2. A 143-station network is foreseen; 3. the state feels PRT is best option because there is little remaining space for surface transit. 1-17-2011

"Pod conference to be held in town" 2-7-2011. 1. District Council Daventry UK to host another innovative transport conference, 2. PRT and GRT to be discussed Feb. 8; 3. a featured speaker will be the Hon. Norman Baker, Liberal Democratic MP from Lewes. 4. Conference page. There was an earlier conference in 2007.

Daventry drops PRT effort 2-17-2011
• Daventry Express reports: "Council puts brakes on pod plans". 1. The "Gusher" column cites unnamed persons speaking for the Daventry District Council. 2. Only last week DDC stated PRT was still its preferred option. 3. DDC's focus now shifts to driverless Group Rapid Transit cyberbuses [presumably 2getthere]. 4. Costs of podcars vs. GRT and residents' concerns are reasons given for the change in policy.
• Northants Patriot item: "Cyber buses to replace Daventry pod plan". DDC claims the £85 million needed for PRT would have come from an EU sustainable transport fund, not local taxes.
• Northampton Chronicle & Echo: "Pod network shelved due to its £85m cost". "...concerns have been raised that [GRT] would also run into several million pounds, at a time when financial austerity is the buzzword for local authorities up and down the country."

Capacity test time-lapse 2-18-2011

Note the sidewalls have been finished and lit
Mobile version

ULTra cited in preliminary proposal for Coon Rapids, MN Robert Jacobs of Smart Infrastructure. 3-9-2011

ULTra announces start of 3-week test open to traveling public at Terminal 5; anticipates going "fully live this summer." 4-19-2011

Railway Gazette: Now expected to launch in July 5-5-2011

Video: PRT can make other transit modes, such as High Speed Rail, more effective by improving rapid access 5-5-2011

"Monorail plan back on track?". 6-12-2011
The uniquely planned southern England city of Milton Keynes is hoping PRT can be the elevated transit system it had hoped for 40 years ago, when monorail had been considered.

Public feedback "overwhelmingly positive" on new Heathrow pod transit (EU CityMobil) 6-27-2011

India projects make progress. 7-13,15-2011
• Amritsar: 'Holy City' to get country's first Pod transport system R250 crore is approx. $56.2M
• Amritsar & Gurgaon: Like in Heathrow, 'Pods' to soon go around Amritsar
Tender offer
Vasant Kunj 8-8-2011

"Pod Cars, Moving Silently at Heathrow's Terminal 5" 8-5-2011

"Pod Cars Make Their Debut At Heathrow Airport" by Graham Webster (TPM) 8-18-2011

"Many vendors may get on board" 8-25-2011

"A concept whose time has come" - includes Martin Lowson. 6 min. segment from Urban Mobility 2011 series on Current TV. 9-6-2011

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