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Work starts on Cardiff's driverless transport system, from NewsWales 6-19-2001

Cardiff pins hopes on new transport system, from icWales (Western Mail), 8-9-2001

ULTra Transport System, NOW.COM 10-7-2001

A Public Pod At Your Service, The Independent, London

ULTra model goes on public display

ULTra's Cardiff test-track completed, UK Foresight Clear Zones September 2001 newsletter, Page 2 (pdf p. 28)

First photo of ULTra on elevated guideway
Note Welsh winged dragon symbol, briefly visible in BBC video (.ram), but not in older publicity photos.

HAIL THAT CAB: This alien-looking pod is a new driverless taxi in Cardiff, Wales. Rides on the ULTra, or Urban Light Transport, will cost £1 (S$2.64) when the first system is up by, possibly, 2004. Created by Bristol University's Martin Lowson, it travels at a speed of 40 kmh. -- AP/New Straits Times

Hail, tomorrow's driverless taxis The Engineer (UK) Jan 11, 2002

Driverless rail system to be unveiled, Construction News Jan 16, 2002

Supertram test to ease traffic, BBC Jan 16, 2002. Audio report (.ram) and brief glimpse (.ram)

Driverless train system revealed, Press Assn Jan 16, 2002

Cardiff first with driverless taxi loop, The Guardian Jan 16, 2002

Dream transport system on track, Press Assn Jan 16, 2002

ULTra cool driverless taxi goes on show, NESTA Jan 17, 2002

"Successful cities innovate"-- Driverless taxi trial being launched in Cardiff, icWales (Western Mail) Jan 17, 2002

Ultra Culture, Beyond 2000 Jan 17, 2002

Hey Taxi! Globe Technology Jan 17, 2002

Driverless taxi goes for test run, The Guardian Jan 18, 2002

Cab of the future boffins weave synthetic web, South Wales Evening Post Jan 18, 2002. (Boffin: a scientific expert, esp. technological research)

EU-funded project launches driverless taxis, European Union, Community R&D Information Service (subscription) Jan 18, 2002

ULTra unveiling eyewitness report, Cities21. Includes photos and an AVI format video.

Meet the world's first driverless taxi, Feb 1, 2002

Experts assess Cardiff's driverless transport system, NewsWales Feb. 4, 2002

Cardiff's ULTra Scheme Goes European, Capital Times Feb 7, 2002

ULTra gets £18m boost, Capital Times Feb. 21, 2002

ULTra: Travel pod adds new twist to transit, MSNBC Feb. 25, 2002

ULTra lines up funding, service details, Cities21 Mar. 12, 2002

Travel Pod, NPR Living On Earth, Mar. 22, 2002

Item: Spirited debate over ULTra. Apr. 5, 2002

Shape of Things To Come? news@TTR, June 2002

ULTra Vehicle at Alternative Transport Day, Winchester UK, Sept. 2002

BBC Wales ULTra page

EDICT website. The D stands for Demonstration

"It has all gone to plan" ULTra passenger trials to start, Jan. 10, 2003

Tomorrow's taxi starts trials today, Jan. 15, 2003

Youngster rides ULTra while critics cry 'low capacity', Jan. 16, 2003

New urban transport system for Cardiff, p.2. Jan. 2003

ULTra dropped from Welsh Assembly budget, want private funding assurances. Launch delayed 1 year? Jan. 31, 2003
Pod transport system is shelved, Cardiff Council furious. Jan. 31, 2003
Assembly shelves grant for Ultra taxi Jan. 31, 2003
Wales government rejects ULTra funding again, but 'could still happen.' 3-18-2004

ULTra Passenger Trials report Feb. 19, 2003

Cardiff gridlock is also political Feb. 22, 2003

Travelling Light May 2003

Welsh still "very supportive" of PRT. June 19, 2003

ULTra: New hopes; back on track? one | two July 17, 2003

ULTra opponents want expensive light rail trams, already proven ineffective at reducing congestion- one | two

ATS Ltd. (ULTra) is fastest growing company in southwest UK Oct. 20, 2003

M11 corridor town Harlow, Essex UK... figure 4.7

Rider response to ULTra PRT February 2004

Study of ULTra PRT for Heathrow Airport February 2004

Driverless cabs Part 2 of GGR series. March 2004

Idea: driverless cabs BBC, Mar 30, 2004

ULTra dual mode questionnaire July 2004

New ULTra video—PRT works! :07 Quicktime. May 2004

Transport for the city of the future

Electric taxi scheme is on track (BBC) 5-11-2004

Futuristic transport system to be trialed in the South West 5-11-2004

Could taxis solve traffic traumas? 5-14-2004

Rapid transit: not rapid enough 6-27-2004

ATS in talks with Heathrow for an ULTra system 7-23-2004

The UK Design Council studies ULTra

EDICT survey results from Cardiff conference. 11-12-2004

Car Ports 11-19-2004

Taking the mass out of transit by Rachel Petkewich. Environ. Sci. Technol. 39 (3), pp 61A–62A. 12-15-2004

ULTra interest in Finnish project? Image depicts ULTra cab at "APGM" station. 6-14-05

Moving ahead with PRT Summer 2005 (European Commission Environmental Research)

Agreement reached for Heathrow Airport PRT

Driverless pods to get airport users off to a flying start up to 30 mile system & 500 vehicles. (Wired forum, scroll down) 1-20-2005

BAA sees future in electric driverless taxis

University firm flying high 11-16-2005

Cardiff misses out on ULTra and PRT industry 11-18-2005

Telesanterno report: Innovative transport conference, sponsored by road fatalities group (Italian) Nov. 2005

New ATS montages of restyled ULTra in Heathrow Airport setting. ULTra pictures page 12-5-2005

ATS image.

ULTra passes first three testing milestones 12-8-2005

ULTra navigation/guidance system developed in-house

(Dec. 9, 2005) The technology plan for the ATS Urban Light Transport (ULTra) PRT program originally featured the Free Ranging On Grid (FROG) system produced by FROG of The Netherlands. However, a careful reading of the revamped ATS website does not mention FROG in the context of the current version of ULTra.

Sources knowledgeable about the ULTra program now confirm that indeed FROG had been replaced on the project in 2003.

It appears that initial ULTra testing in Cardiff showed that the FROG system was unable to meet the level of reliability desired by ATS. The solution for ATS was to develop its own guidance in-house, it is this system with which ULTra successfully completed its trials, reporting no failures in the last two years.

Although for the time being ATS declines to publicize exactly how the guidance system works, other than that it is sensor-based, they report a very high level of accuracy—better than 1cm laterally. Timing accuracy during whole trips is better than 0.1 seconds, and longitudinal docking accuracy better than 2cm.

A recent announcement from ATS states that their system has been able to complete trials even with one of the sensors intentionally disabled.

Emergency stop system (AVP) successfully demonstrated for BAA, regulators. March 2006

ATS launches production program for ULTra vehicle

ULTra starts work program for Heathrow

Movers & Shakers: Martin Lowson interview

Major investment planned in trams to help beat city centre congestion (ULTra) Rail Industry International 8-12-2006

EU picks ULTra for CityMobil project

Driverless Taxis of the Future (Der Spiegel) 9-7-2006

Lowson to step down from CEO post ATS girds for transition away from R&D, toward marketing and sales. 9-24-2006

Cheap smear against ATS board member 9-26-2006

ULTra meets 2 more milestones. Headway maintenance and multi-berth stations demonstrated. 10-30-2006

ULTra receives construction go-ahead:

Pod power for airport
The Engineer Online, 21 December 2006

BAA has been granted planning permission to begin construction of the Arup-designed infrastructure for an automated Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) system at Heathrow Airport.

By 2008, passengers will be able to use driverless pods for the journey from a car park to Terminal 5. The pilot system has been designed to extend along the northern perimeter to link hotels, car parks, rental car depots and offices with Terminal 5 and the Central Terminal Area.

The electric-powered system consists of driverless taxis running on concrete tracks which are automatically routed according to passenger demand. Each pod carries up to four passengers at speeds up to 40kph. The pods use 70 per cent less energy per mile than a car and the system can move up to 4,800 passengers per hour.

The BAA pilot contract is the first commitment in the world to a small car PRT system.

Cardiff ULTra now visible on MS Virtual Earth 1-10-2007

UK city masterplan examines PRT
• Background: Daventry "set to move swiftly"
"Masterplan of the future of the town unveiled, Transport pod network to link up to rail station" 1-19-2007
Daventry PRT planning documents (link updated 2-4-09)
Green Light for pod test track? Report completed; Daventry joining EU CityMobil 2-23-2007

Illustration from Daventry planning.

"How will you get to the terminal?" (ULTra PRT Heathrow)

Moving more people, making less impact (Business Week, 5-14-2007)

"Robocabs" await at Heathrow (Times of London) 5-26-2007

Made to Measure Transit (IEEE). Vukan Vuchic of UPenn states same objections as 11 years ago 6-1-2007

Masdar Initiative: zero-emission car-free city to include "personalised rapid transport."
Foster+Partners, led by the reknowned architect Norman Foster, has announced plans for a "zero carbon and waste free" city in Abu Dhabi. An ULTra PRT is visible in the changing Flash graphic.

Construction Underway at Terminal 5 6-8-2007
       Photos show guideway footings underneath the elevated roadway.

Coming to an airport near you: The next pod revolution - "Pretty Reliable Transport." (June 2007)

ATS Inc. hires Principal Consultant

First ULTra production vehicle delivered Cardiff test site now replicates Heathrow conditions. 8-20-2007

ULTra Aims To Prove Pods Are The Transportation of Tomorrow

Forbes: ATS signs Benelux deal with Heijmans 9-25-2007

Daventry "resounding success" "the only place in the world where we are looking at putting a network across the town"; worldwide media exposure 10-4-2007

Liberal-left The Guardian reports on PRT: Welcome to the Transport of Tomorrow 10-11-2007

New CEO for ATS Ltd.

Brief intro to PRT on ZapRoot, an online/podcast eco-zine (starts around 30 sec.).

PRT to the sea (L.A.) 1-18-2008

The Cleantech Show interviews ULTra's Martin Lowson (podcast)

Queen opens Heathrow Terminal 5 (remember, no PRT until 2009)

Photos of ULTra taken in early March. (London Connections blog) One vehicle is displayed on guideway as construction continues

ULTra photos on Flickr -- (1) Guideway passing below roadways, (2) parked ULTra cab
       :: PRT station in Heathrow T5 under construction

Bath studies PRT To receive EU funds to combat pollution, congestion. (Bath Chronicle)

Mix a car, a train and an elevator, and get this (Kansas City Star, 7-5-2008)

Daventry: People's pod panel meeting - Citizens getting involved in PRT planning. 7-30-2008

Heathrow ULTra guideway completed, Aug. 2009 launch planned -report, 10-10-2008 report from Heathrow on ULTra | Link to just the video 10-14-2008

Pod makes first transit of Heathrow guideway Photos and brief account of Sept. 21, 2008 test

Photos of ULTra post-construction testing 12-12-2008

"South Bay considering pod travel" 12-15-2008

PRT on display in Almelo (NL) 8-22-2008
   :: EU "EDICT" program study city; "Heijmans cabins" (ULTra)
      • Display at municipal center
      • See 2007 article on Heijmans deal
   :: Almelo ends interest - can't win backing or secure funding 3-23-2011
      • Only a tiny amount, EU funds, was spent 3-23-2011
      • "Missed opportunity"; operation "almost cost neutral" 3-24-2011

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