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Press release: "skyTran is Considering Baltimore for its First US Assembly Plant." 9-28-2015

• skyTran CEO Jerry Sanders on Fox News 'Tech Take'
'Like LEGO'; test track completion in November? 9-30-2015
• "Alternative transportation plans build excitement, if not immediate transit systems" 10-2-2015
• "Futuristic pods pitched as answer to city transit woes." 10-6-2015
• In the Economic Times/Times of India, Sanders reiterates Israel prototype system "will be done in November.". Claims "the railroad" is skyTran's "biggest champion." 10-16-2015
• Times Of Israel: Demo won't happen until "early 2016" 10-27-2015


"Arnold under fire for pivoting on SMART" 5-6-2015
Meandering column on Marin Co. Supervisor Judy Arnold, once a skyTran backer, who won reelection supporting commuter line she once opposed.

Herzliya to be next first Israeli city after Tel Aviv to build skyTran system 4-19-2015
"Mayor Moshe Fadlon gave his approval for allocating the resources needed to advance the project, though the estimated amount is still unknown, and how much of that amount is still 'on paper.'"

"Radical Transportation Projects Of The Past And Future" 2-11-2015
Forbes: "Skytran says tickets will sell for less than a bus fare. We doubt that."

skyTran covered by CNN's Tomorrow Transformed - 1:43 video. 2-3-2015

Grist: PRT the future of public transportation...maybe. 1-2-2015
Author David Roberts is taken with skyTran.
• Commenters break into familiar camps (e.g. 'neat idea', 'ugly', 'not going to happen', 'bombs & personal security', 'libertarian plot', 'autonomous cars are the answer') and land on misconceptions (e.g. 'can't be a total replacement for cars or conventional transit').
• Can you spot the sockpuppets of PRT designers and critics?

Discussion thread at DailyKos.

Link SkyTran encounters Simpsons in Atlanta 9-30-2014

skyTran CEO Jerry Sanders in-studio on FOX Business Channel. 9-22-2014

skyTran (and maglev trains) at Govtech 7-23-2014

Math professor advocating for skyTran in Canberra as the Australian capital seeks light rail line. 7-25-2014

Green Light For skyTran? Wired reports first system will be installed at campus of Israel Aerospace Industries. 6-26-2014
12 mile loop, speeds up to 44 mph.
Smart Rail World: "The first components will be pre-assembled at skyTran's headquarters at the NASA Research Park in California. The rest will be constructed locally and the system should be running by the end of 2015"
• BBC: Test track at IAI will be a 500 meter loop


French: "First contact." (3-21-2014)
skyTran CEO Jerry Sanders (misidentified as the system's inventor) was in Toulouse in March to meet with official from elevator company POMA. Meeting organized by 'Association of Friends Of skyTran,' which is seeking 15M Euro investment to bring skyTran's HQ and manufacturing to the back yard of Airbus. 6-9-2014

Mountain View: Council says No to funding 'experiment'. 3-19-2014
Focus is on SkyTran; "They haven't sold a project and that makes me nervous. If it were viable, people would be beating their doors down."
• Mercury News: Mountain View Passes
"Unfortunately the pod car never took off" Mountain View Voice 3-28-2014


"Mountain View at a crossroads with pod cars" 3-15-2014
San Jose-area community could seek grant from federal authorities and corporations; some councillors concerned about backing just one vendor -- no comment from SkyTran.

skyTran: Back to the future for Denver area transit. "Forty years ago metro Denver voters approved a sales tax for mass transit, with promotional materials at the time highlighting an advanced Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) system that was going to put the region ahead of the rest of the world." ...

Personal Transit Pods May One Day Scurry Above Tel Aviv's Congested Streets 8-16-2013
...Sanders says he has the "full support" of Israel's finance and transportation ministries, the Israeli Prime Minister's Office of Alternative Fuels, the U.S. Commerce Department, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, and the Export-Import Bank of the United States. If true, that would help expedite the permitting process and make it easier to raise funds. Sanders says Tel Aviv is ideal because it's "one big traffic jam" and full of "technology-loving trend-setters."
That may be, but aside from a prototype used only to develop control software at NASA's Ames Research Center, SkyTran is completely unproven...
Pie in the skyTran (Globes): Op-ed writer notes pod system's lack of track record, notes obstacles posed by Israeli bureaucracy. 8-18-2013


io9: skyTran "really happening." "Tel Aviv is set to begin construction on the world's first magnetically levitating skyTran system of mass transit. Which is awesome because it's fine time that our cities started to look the way scifi says they're supposed to."

LA-based consultancy Jenkins/Gales & Martinez will manage Tel Aviv project 7-1-2013
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