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skyTran: Jewish News One reports Tel Aviv project "will begin construction in 3 months". 6-26-2013

• Less than $7M/kilometer
• 10 km route through Tel Aviv to Jaffa Port.


John Cole, COO of skyTran, guests on Ken Howard's Green ROI Radio show (hour 2). Veers into 'government stifles innovation' rhetoric before getting on track (severe technical difficulties with audio in 72nd & 73rd minutes). 78:30 - Next step is football field-size demonstration system, breaking ground at NASA Ames in 18 months; short commercial system in Mountain View, CA; commercial system elsewhere would follow. $10M/mile target. 5-22-2013

"NASA Pod Transports Are Close to Reality -- in Tel Aviv" 3-12-2013

It has to be asked -- that long dorsal fin is just for display purposes, right? It couldn't possibly go through a curved guideway section.

Jerry Sanders of skyTran interviewed on QTalk America's "Technobabble" podcast (segment starts at :13:30). At :28:50 Sanders names individually-owned pods as a system feature, a deviation from the ATRA definition of PRT. 1-26-2013

SkyTran -- Tel Aviv? 10-12-2012
The Israeli website Mako is carrying news of a possible Tel Aviv pilot system for SkyTran - or rather, "skyTran" - the sleek-but-non-ADA compliant suspended maglev PRT design. The article says the skyTran, supported by the prime minister's office, will run between a parking area and a leisure area, a distance of about a mile. Electric utilities will be relocated into the transit system's guideway pylons. There is no indication the point in the planning stage the project is at, but whenever final approval occurs construction time would be 1 and a half years. Better translation
Brief mention in Jerusalem Online bulletin
• See also "SkyTran progress," Aug. 10
skyTran now claims ADA compatibility

SkyTran hoping for Bay Area system with Silicon Valley backing. Now operating pod on 100 ft. indoor guideway; could be operating in 2-3 years; CEO Sanders negotiating project in Tel Aviv. 8-10-2012

SkyTran: Mountain View discusses commuting answers - Silicon Valley city weighs parking fees, housing; excited by PRT. 3-20-2012

"Magnetic gliding pods could be transit of the future" SkyTran (KGO TV video) 8-2-2011

Detroit Free Press editor loves SkyTran. With video. 4-16-2011

Prof. Trond Andresen interviewed by Australia's ABC Radio National: Segment- "The Science Show" (SkyTran) 3-19-2011
Really brief silent video taken at Ames (download, Andresen web site)

SkyTran could bring futuristic transit to Valley 11-2-2009

"NASA Partners To Revolutionize Personal Transportation" (Ames Research Center)

From our sources: The NASA photo shows a full size model of a new SkyTran design. While resembling Unimodal's familiar renderings that have circulated for years, the new one is larger. The width has been doubled to four and one half feet. Passenger door is on the side, is hinged at the top; a small luggage compartment hatch is visible aft. Multiple exterior shapes are contemplated.
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Negative Marin opinion Marin IJ columnist opposes SkyTran "pie." March 2009
Douglas Malewicki responds (see "SkyTran will work") Clip: "currently testing a full scale, operational passive maglev guideway and SkyTran vehicle at the NASA Ames Research Center"

SkyTran in Popular Science's 'Tomorrow's Mega City' (under "The Plan"; Jul '08 issue)

Unimodal sights on Sweden 12-28-2007

Computer scientist adds SkyTran to Second Life

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