Friend of the NewsCenter: Lawrence Fabian, 1945-2020 3-23-2020
Transit must overcome complications of social distancing and disinfection. 3-18-2020
Note from the publisher (2-4-2021)- The assertion from some quarters that PRT is inherently
safer in pandemic conditions than conventional transit deserves some pushback. Although pods mean
PRT capacity per hour is likely little affected by social distancing, pods still face the hurdle of
sanitation. Yes, trains and buses have to go back to the barn to get washed down, but the idea that
pods win because they would be equipped with wet wipes ignores two realities. 1) On-board trash;
2) pandemic hoarding means pods can't be kept stocked with cleaning supplies. Moreover, cleaning the
vehicle is not part of the modern transit rider paradigm and therefore inconveniences riders, norms such as Wear Masks At All Times and Don't Touch Surfaces are far more likely. ©2021 PRT NewsCenter
WVU PRT closed due to COVID-19 3-19-2020
Dubai RTA working with skyTran and Skyway (Unitsky String Transport) 3-9-2020
BeemCar CEO says system could be ready in 3-4 years. 8-9-2020

Dubai unveils plans for electric sky pod network 1-4-2021
Nathan Koren of Podaris extensively quoted.
MOU between Dubai and Chinese suspended train company Zhong Tang 6-7-2021
Dubai talks with Beemcar mentioned, but no progress regarding pods is reported.
Jump to test system thread
Nathan Koren, CEO of Podaris, thinks the driverless/carshare hype has peaked. 5-10-2019
R.I.P., Connect Ithaca 4-26-2019
Morgantown PRT returns to service by cardswipe or coin. 4-17-2019
(Ithaca NY) Regional Town-Gown Conference takes on transportation 3-28-2019
Backbone: WVU's PRT still "unconventional," but it keeps being talked about.
Futuristic Transit Loop in Milpitas' Future? 3-22-2019 "To be undertaken by a not-for-profit, Type B Corporation called Sustainable Habitat."

Op-ed: Creating a new future for Milpitas mobility 5-3-2021
Outline of Loopworks' proposal for 12-station system feeding BART station.
Op-ed by Loopworks president 6-30-2021
LoopWorks joins race to build 1st Bay Area smart transit 7-2-2021
Loopworks news release, framing the region's 3 active pod programs as an opportunity to gather comparative data.
Vision for personal rapid transit system stalled in Milpitas 11-17-2021
Photo: Sheikh Mohammed inspects Dubai's new Sky Pod models 2-12-2019
(Bengaluru) Pod taxi plan returns, to be feeder to Metro 12-22-2018
(History) Public transit’s missed opportunity 11-20-2018
Georgia county commissioner interested in Transit X system, "all the way to Hartsfield-Jackson (Atlanta International Airport)." 10-2-2018
Transit X
Georgia Mobility (JPods) also interested in Henry County (McDonough) 2-12-2021 Georgia Mobility Executive Chairman J.T. Williams is quoted in 10/2/2018 article above. In addition he is described as a developer and board member of the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority.

JPods early mockup, developer Bill James is man wearing jeans. ©2007 PRT NewsCenter
West Virginia University’s PRT resumes operation ahead of Welcome Week 2018 (WVU Today). System is in second phase of modernization plan; photos of new features including digital signs and entry gates. 8-10-2018
We Were Told There Would Be Podcars: Politico reviews 'city of the future' concepts, mostly unrealized. 6-29-2018
India: Desire to connect pods to transport system in Thane (Mumbai district). 4-28-2018
Miami-Miami Beach 'Baylink' connection 2-28-2018
Two commissioners, supportive mayor and public works director meet to discuss pods; Light rail project was suspended in 2016.
Mountain View considers driverless transit 1-19-2018
Driverless buses and GRT in the mix for Silicon Valley city.
Bengaluru pod: 1 bidder 1-17-2018
Ambitious multi-line Bengaluru pod project tender attracts one bidder. It happens to be Embassy, business partner of the state government's development minister.
Masdar network expanding 1-16-2018
New 1 km route will link Masdar Institute to International Renewable Energy Agency and a new shopping mall. Will use vehicles by Navya.
Remembering Duke University's PRT 12-13-2017
Video: For a mom with 2 small boys in the '90s, riding the PRT all day was "cheap fun" in Morgantown WV. 12-6-2017
Safety panel recommends ASCE standards for Dehli-Gurgaon pilot; another round of bids to be invited. 12-26-2017
Another overview of PRT's journey: the hurdles to innovation, where PRT is today, and where it might be headed. Robbert Lohmann, Alain Kornhauser, and Ed Anderson quoted.
India: The story so far 9-14-2017
Metrino may be out, but pod transit planning is still underway in 3 cities with big political connections.