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Jerry Schneider, friend of the NewsCenter, receives ATRA award for Outstanding Contributions for creating the Innovative Transportation Technologies website. 10-5-2016

ITT was last updated in 2018. 4-29-2021

State of Selangor, Malaysia proposes small PRT 'radius' in city of Petaling Jaya (pop. 638,000, 38 sq mi) 10-4-2016

NPR's All Things Considered: A Revolution That Didn't Happen 10-3-2016. Joe Palca on the WVU PRT upgrade.

Dubai: Podcar bridge access to Bluewaters Island to be done by December. 9-17-2016
Sources: Podcar vendor may be announced at Sept 19-21 Podcar City conference

Ambitious Gurgaon Timeline 9-12-2016
Highways agency NHAI has jurisdiction on 'pilot route' for Gurgaon pod taxi. NHAI minister says 'work' to start after 3 month tender; 'operation' within a year. Phase One: suspended PRT system, 24 km route, $132.1M.

The Morgantown PRT on gameday, by a writer covering the visiting team. 9-3-2016

PRT is under New Ideas in the USDOT's National Online Dialogue on FTA's 5-Year Strategic Plan for Research 8-30-2016

Ed Anderson addressed the Rotary in Princeton, MN 8-25-2016

Bangalore local infrastructure administration BBMP follows Gurgaon, has interest in building a pod network, despite naysayer. 'Metrino' may be becoming synonymous with PRT in India. 8-2-2016

Celebrating Ten Years 8-1-2016

Schoolbus entrepreneur Michael Tornabe is excited about PRT, particularly Jpods, as described in a June press release (1, 2) concerning a plan to raise what sounds like local private funds for Jpods applications. Jpods's partnership with Switzerland's Festel Capital is mentioned prominently -- for legitimacy? To lend an international air? Leaving aside the question of the feasibility/desirability of private transit companies, the NewsCenter feels compelled to point out that the Jpods-Festel arrangement was inked in 2006 (see 12/28/2006 here), and the succeeding decade is an eternity in venture capital terms. We sought out Dr. Gunter Festel himself for a comment. Festel told us that, although his arrangement with Jpods has not officially ended, he has had no communication with Jpods or its founder Bill James since 2008.


Modutram and 2getthere submit proposals to Greenville-Spartanburg Airport. 7-12-2016

Airport commission's move characterized as putting on the brakes over cost
Taxi 2000 bid exceeded budget 7-18-2016
    Visits to Modutram and Masdar planned; next step would be soliciting construction bids.


Podcar City 10 Conference announced for Antwerp, Sept. 19-21.

South Korea: a 5.5 km PRT network is being considered in Gwacheon ('Elgin'), which boasts a number of Seoul cultural and tourist attractions, as well as a government administrative center. 7-8-2016

Now the Gurgaon-Delhi pod project could be delayed because the national highway agency forgot to get permission from the local municipal government corporation, the Times Of India reports. 6-24-2016

Inventing Tomorrowland 6-09-2016
Washington Post article on the USDOT Smart City Challenge; table at bottom links to all the submissions, including Greenville SC (ATN) and Raleigh NC (EcoPRT)

India - Pod taxi project inching towards reality. National highway agency receives 4 qualification bids: Metrino, "Sky Dran" (sic), Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Ltd. and Neel Metal Products Ltd. The agency will request RFPs from these entities.

"Podcar: Local Engineer Develops New Transit System" (Everett, MA) 5-13-2016
Publicity for Transit X and developer Mike Stanley. Article presents Transit X as new concept, does not mention it is part of the wider field of PRT.

Interview with Fairwood Group vice-manager Ranbir Saran Das - slow deployment of PRT due to churn in government administrations. 5-4-2016

Delhi-area transport plans include Metrino pod pilot 3-9-2016
A top official with Metrino confirms the company's involvement to the NewsCenter. -Ed.
Bid invitation in April - 'skyrail' (gondolas) also in contention. 3-20-2016
Work could begin June 1 4-5-2016
Gurgaon pod taxi project put on fast track 5-12-2016
Whatever that means. We have to ask -- When's the tender? There has to be one, right? -Ed.

The Road Not Taken 2-24-2016
Another sprawling recounting of the history of PRT development, by the Verge's Adi Robertson, with photo essay
• Adi Robertson discusses PRT on the What's Tech podcast (17:11). 3-1-2016


Council puts pod cars back in the mix 2-17-2016
Silicon Valley city commits $200,000 for study. Maybe calling it AGT and 'driverless people-movers' can overcome resistance to PRT.

Raleigh, NC one of 77 applicants for USDOT grant 2-15-2016
Smart City Challenge: one $40m grant to be awarded to a city with "bold, data-driven ideas to improve lives by making transportation safer, easier, and more reliable."

Phase 3 of WVU's PRT upgrade would be new, lighter vehicles 2-13-2016

India: Jaipur OKs $200m budget which includes pod transit 2-13-2016

Dehradun, Uttarakhand - India: Govt to include PRTS in reworked smart city plan. 2-2-2016
Earlier version "ignored the needs of people living within the limits of the Municipal Corporation".

Times of India: "Jaipur Metro riders may glide to railway station in podcar" 1-22-2016
Shuttle between Metro station and rail station. Presentation by JPods-affilitated Actis Infrastructure -- which should not be confused with Actis Capital, formerly part of the UK Commonwealth Development Corporation.

West Virginia: "PRT continues modernization process" 1-19-2016

Transit in Rose Kennedy Greenway should be elegant and light (Boston Herald) 1-18-2016

"Driverless Transit to Dominate in 2040," driverless transit advocates say. 1-12-2016

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