The Get On Board! PRT

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Video: "California technologists are developing the Podcar" (China Central TV) 11-24-2015

"Engineers flock to Mountain View to discuss future of podcars." Podcar City 9 conferees see youth movement. 11-6-2015
• "Podcar proponents tout futuristic transit vision" 11-13-2015
Decade-old debunked anti-PRT propaganda lives on in the comments section


Can Garriott pull it off? 10-29-2015
Garriott begins public campaign to win Austin's support for pods

• 5 year old plan for network centered on Univ. Of Texas.
• Could be an entirely private venture
• Plan being examined by UT's IC2 Institute.
"PRT can be a big part of the solution" in Austin 11-10-2015


'Anarchist' council candidate in Ithaca is running against cars 10-27-2015

News release: International Podcar City Conference Returns to Silicon Valley 10-26-2015
Nov 4-6 in Mountain View, CA

India transport planning agency NATPAC recommends PRT, light rail and BRT in Thiruvananthapuram section of long range sustainable mobility plan. 10-16-2015

Boston councilman announces "unnamed private company was amenable" to build PRT in the Rose Kennedy Greenway. Of course, it is JPods. 10-8-2015

"A groundswell for high-riding pods." Boston Globe introduces tiny Massachusetts-based TransitX. 9-26-2015

Atlas Obscura: "Morgantown PRT -- This university transit system is a 1970's vision of the future" 9-23-2015

Video: Futran transport system with operating Nutran vehicle. 9-16-2015

A project of Milotek, a South African mining company. Designed for "bulk commodities" movement, but company also hopes to create version for people and goods.

Formation of California Infrastructure Institute announced 9-14-2015
Post in Advanced Transit Association journal on August 28 by longtime PRT advocate Catherine Burke, emerita professor of USC's Price School of Public Policy. CALII was actually incorporated April 28, 2014 and has a legal address in a Del Mar subdivision.
CALII has an interesting and much-needed set of objectives: to create a proving ground where hardware and software can be independently tested; provide professional training; create and disseminate regulatory standards; collect and assess data on economic and environmental impacts. This could be the vetting authority we have called for earlier (
A great day in Kirkland - but..., Editor's Blog, 2/9/2014)

Editor's Blog: MISTER-MISTER 9-8-2015
Ollie Mikosza says a well-connected academic stole his PRT design. Guess who's winning

We began corresponding with Olgierd "Ollie" Mikosza in 2006, shortly after "MISTER" (Metropolitan Individual System of Transportation on an Elevated Rail), his suspended (vehicle below the guideway) personal rapid transit concept, first came on the scene. With Heathrow Pods and the Masdar City PRT still four years off, Mikosza exuded confidence and optimism that his design would be the one to break through... Keep reading

The Jpods tour comes to the Washington DC region, complete with anti-Federal government rhetoric. Hopes to step into vacuum left by cancellation of streetcar plan. 9-1-2015
Plan B is for Buses 9-3-2015
Commuter says of PRT, "Are they real? They look like Disneyland", as though Disneyland isn't real.
Greater Greater Washington blog and extensive comments. 9-14-2015
Author kinda-sorta understands PRT, but not network capacity or that point-to-point really means station-to-station. Corollary to Godwin's Law should be The longer a comment thread on elevated transit goes on, the likelihood increases that someone will cite The Simpsons monorail episode, ending all serious discussion.


"PRT restoration reaches next phase" 8-20-2015

Jaipur: Infrastructure company allied with Jpods proposes a pod system in India's 'Pink City' 8-18-2015

How a space-faring entrepreneur intends to fix Austin's traffic woes Businessman/space tourist/smart guy Richard Garriott partnering with former Texas Lt. Gov Ben Barnes (D) to bring PRT to Austin. 8-13-2015
• ABJ Poll - Are pods a good idea?
Barnes to comment on plan "next week" 8-14-2015
Turns heads at city hall 8-17-2015
Statesman poll 8-17-2015 At 3 days, plurality say PRT "could be an effective solution". Things to note in Comments on the poll: 1) They're not understanding advantage of high average speed (combined with nonstop travel) over top speed; 2) they're not understanding the concept of aggregate capacity of the network; 3) they're not understanding that 'personal' and 'point to point' MEAN 'nonstop from station to station of your choice' - whether it's 3 stations at Heathrow or dozens of stations in an urban application; 4) they're expecting pods to be good at short urban trips AND longer commuting, whereas the future would still be multimodal.
Is Austin ready? 8-18-2015
Austin source tells the NewsCenter the Garriott-Barnes proposal is "fragile but possible"; earlier Garriott pitch ended due to global recession drying up available funds. 8-20-2015


"LaGrange factory prototyping novel JPods transit idea" A look inside the JPods operation at solar panel maker Atlantis Energy Systems. 7-29-2015

"The self-propelled ParkShuttle: twenty year term in Rivium." 7-25-2015
Writer takes occasionally rough ride on Rotterdam district's driverless shuttle.


Relax 7-23-2015
Have you heard about Personal Overhead Rapid Transit (PORT)? Here's the 411:
   • The website first appeared in Jan. 2013
   • Messages to the Contact address bounce
   • The contact person in Seeheim-Jugenheim (Germany), "Hadi Djamalipour Montazami," may well be the least-mentioned person on the internet: not on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn; not listed as having a Masters or PhD in a technical field; no scholarly publications; no patents.

So relax.


AP file from 12/31/1972: Morgantown PRT introduced 7-21-2015

PRT bill in MA. Legislature 7-18-2015
S1837 has been introduced by Sen. Robert L. Hedlund (R-Weymouth) and Rep. David F. DeCoste (R-Norwell). An apparent attempt to create a regulatory framework for planning and operation of PRT systems, such as the one once proposed for Hull MA (see Jan. 2011). Reads like the Secaucus NJ 'performance standards' ordinance promoted by JPods (JPods ramping up? PRT NewsCenter 9/19/2014). Link

Bus Jam - LA City Watch column argues the standard bus is incompatible with urban street form and must be redesigned. 7-16-2015
Link Updated

Rupees For Nothing 7-1-2015
Times Of India reports the Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit System (DIMTS) received payment for performing feasibility studies of projects that never took off. Included was a total of over $1.5 million for 2009 and 2013 studies for PRT systems around New Delhi. Reader notes: 1 crore=10 million. A challan is a type of receipt; in this article's context an e-challan is a traffic ticket.
Link Updated

NJDOT blocking Jpods
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Fast Company article mentions Jpods hitting regulatory hurdles in its Secaucus project. Jpods developer Bill James has provided the NewsCenter with a portion of a NJDOT Dec. 2014 email, in which a deputy commissioner writes PRT has "no practical application" on state or interstate highways. The Secaucus Jpods guideway is proposed to cross under two highways.

Jpods displayed at the Rose Kennedy Greenway in Boston, June 25, 2015:

Photo: Jpods

Photo: Jpods

Photos: JPods

Photo: Jpods

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