Mayor outlines goals, public process and safeguards
"JPods don't get off the ground with F'ville Council." At council retreat, members oppose use of public land for JPods demo. 2-26-2013
Energy plan for non-petroleum alternatives, including podcar networks, approved by Israel cabinet 1-13-2013
City of San Jose releases the full 'ATN' feasibility study for Mineta Airport performed by ARUP and Aerospace Corporation. 420 pages. 11-2-2012. There is much in the document to encourage further development of PRT/pod transit. What is also evident is how far the PRT 'industry' has not come in proving itself on conceptual, technical, financial, and operational criteria.
The Original to get upgrade: WVU okays $15m for new PRT computers & propulsion 9-29-2012
Moscow Agglomeration Competition Unveils Sustainable Master Plans for the City of the Future, Metro and pods in the mix. Inhabitat report with slideshow. 9-12-2012
Editor's Blog: Cameron Emptor. 8-10-2012
UK Tram, a British rail industry group, has issued How To guidances on developing PRT projects 7-20-2012
Bloomington, MN:
6.3 Out of 10 Favorable Vote for PRT in connection with interview of Metro Council's transportation chair Steve Elkins. 7-16-2012
Despite a sample size of only n=20 on the PRT question, this is a good example of PRT advocates directly engaging citizens interested in constructive problem solving.
It's P.A.T. -- Beyond the Car Team's "People And Things" cube-pod at Toronto 'Move' exhibition until Oct. 26 6-28-2012

Laffable Luddite Chronicles (2010): Setty backed anti-tax, 'property rights' candidate.
Editor's Blog: Mixed outcome of San Jose pod study 5-2-2012
Google expresses support for PRT. 4-9-2014
Mountain View CA commissions AGT [PRT] study 1-10-2017
City staff requested 1-2 year delay in planned Automated Guideway Transit study. 2-23-2020

Mountain View hits the brakes on Automated Guideway Transit 4-28-2021
City Council members voted April 27 to defer the item indefinitely. Main council supporter John McAlister term limited-out. No funding could be found for the $70M/mile price tag. While AGT was supported by Google (city's largest employer) critics attacked scale and expense.
Milenio: Urban transit for Guadalajara, and a zoo tram that causes less impact on the animals.
Aaron Patzer of Mint.com had wanted to create Swift, a maglev/linear synchronous motor concept, which he has now closed. Believes the future is self-driving cars
Poland's MISTER proposing US$144M project in Teresino, Brazil; pod mockup to be displayed. Lots of sloppy research about PRT history went into this article in O Dia. 11-2-2011
CyberTran GRT system: Small start-up has big dreams (Richmond, CA) 10-31-2011
For former BART R&D manager Eugene Nishinaga, "ultralight rail is nothing short of a spiritual awakening."
Vietnam: Vietnam IT corporation FPT exploring pod transit "Spider" means web/network. 10-12-2011
Begun in April, study by Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit System & Capita Symonds for urban podcar system is completed, "project is likely to get the government nod soon" (transport dept.)
Mexico: Development team for ITESO's 'LINT' (PRT) now includes Mastretta design firm. 9-5-2011
ULTra, SkyTran, Vectus: "Many vendors may get on board" 8-25-2011
Editor's Blog: JPods to sue MnDOT - "Adds to the unwelcome and nonsensical partisan politicization of PRT." 8-8-2011
Vasant Kunj residential colony, Dehli, possible PRT site 8-8-2011
Following news of the start of long-awaited upgrades to the university PRT system, Morgantown, WV got a visit from a company that wants to upgrade the whole thing. JPods claims to be about to commence construction in China -- with what appears to be a $400 million construction contract. 7-25/27-2011
1) Kunming government has agreed with Jpods to build the transit system;
2) JPods to open a factory in Kunming;
3) JPods to open a local office in Kunming
It makes no mention of money or any financials. It is unclear how 'solid' the agreement is.
The Kunming government webpage sets the contract value as 400 million yuan renminbi, or $62.3 million. The source of the funds is not identified.
"The 1970s thrill surrounding Personal Rapid Transit (PRT)" (@tbd, WJLA-TV) 7-6-2011
"America's One and Only Personal Rapid Transit System" (Governing) 7-1-2011
"30 year plan"
"we are not talking about Metro buses"
"Intelligent transportation systems that may not need a driver"
"Little pods... that can be more fast in serving the public"
"These technologies exist, why can't Issaquah be in the forefront of putting those things into use, right here, and do it in a way that is smart, green, and beneficial to traffic reduction"
Background (2010): Transit "ribs & spine" map - PRT spine with bus feeders
AP: Upgrades to 35-year old Morgantown PRT have begun. The WVU press release: original analog computers are being replaced, and a new propulsion controller is to be tested over the summer. 5-23-2011
"Will you commute via 'personal rapid transit'?" CNN. 3-31-2011
...thinks PRT could be "extensive local transit system" linking to future light rail running in Interstate 90 corridor. Article: "Science fiction to some - the real future to many" (Issaquah Reporter)
"Move over George Jetson - Hull might get one cool ride in the sky" 3-10-2010
"Will Hull commuters be "flying" to work in amusement-like ride?" 3-18-2010. Helpful Minnesotan noted; his information unpersuasive, given town's continued interest
MISTER presents to Auckland, falls "on deaf ears" 8-9-2010
Airport planners look to a futuristic transit solution: pod cars (San Jose) 5-24-2010
Move autonomous car, by the Critical Group of Coimbra (12th Century capital of Portugal, home of Coimbra University).
Could investors fund city's transit future? Unimodal claims it has private financing for first public system. 4-1-2010
The first PRT to get bigger upgrade -- WVU announces FTA grant; Bombardier designing new propulsion system
PRT rumblings: sources say Federal Transit Administration, senior Democratic congressman are interested in podcars. 1-4-2009
San Jose: Sources say the city has picked The Aerospace Corporation to help it select a technology for its initial PRT network 1-4-2010
2getthere podcar appears in CNN report by Mohammed Jamjoom (:02:05) 12-14-2009
Beamways has designed "fully operational" demo 12-9-2009
Meet the Mod Pods 12-2-2009
The PODCARS Series Part 6, (Examiner.com, with links to Parts 1-5)
Invasion of the pod car 10-4-2009, Boston Globe (The first article on PRT
by a writer and published by a major American newspaper in more than a decade.)