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Posted March 30, 2006
Be very careful driving to Baghdad Airport Remember what happened the last time a kidnapped journalist was released. Journalist Jill Carroll Released in Iraq Posted March 28, 2006 Businessmen + Peep Show = Major Erection The Ex-Mayor's Booby Prize If Schell & Co.'s new Four Seasons can coexist with the Lusty, then there is hope for Kadima and Hamas. Music and the neocon duck: White people don't listen to profane lyrics, no sir. Posted March 24, 2006 You bet your blippy City commits to big cut in greenhouse gas emissions
A lock:
More Than Probable:
Probable but So What:
Thou shalt win your division. Jamie Moyer is a baseball god, but reallya 43-year-old guy is #1 in the Mariners' rotation? Needless to say, it does not fill me with Hope. I emailed some friends that I am not filled with Hope. One replied, We're Ms fans. Hope is not something we subscribe to. We're just happy when everyone shows up and don't ask for more money. I tried to subscribe. One of those kids selling subscriptions came to my door. But she didn't have Hope. If the Mariners find they can't be good, they should try for entertaining. For starters, I would love to see Jamie throw BP one day, and drill Carl Everett with something high, hard and inside. Posted March 21, 2006 If they only had a brain I studied public policy and government at the UW's Evans School (in the days before they named it in honor of that Resmuglican former governor, who turned his back on a progressive record so he could be appointed a U.S. Senator). One thing they taught us policy analysts is that when you--the neutrally competent civil servant--create a list of policy options, you present the decisionmaker--an elected official, a senior civil servant or even a committee of citizens--with at least three alternatives from which to choose. This three-option guideline is such a basic part of public policy formulation that the insistence by Nickels/Ceis that we only get two choices on the Alaskan Way question is breathtaking in its arrogance, and the apparent assumption that voters are too stupid to see through such transparent manipulation. The three options are all supposed to be viable; Do Nothing can be an option, as can Needs More Study. But Alaskan Way may be the first ballot measure in my memory in which all the choices are Straw Men. We learned about the Straw Man at Evans too--but as an example of a biased method NOT to be used. In this case, the Human/Deputy Mayor Hybrid is putting the Rebuild option on the ballot, but trash-talking it. They want Rebuild to be the Straw Man. They say the view from a new elevated highway, a selling point for the current one, would be blocked by safety barriers. They've even given Rebuild a nickname, "Big Ugly."
Nickels/Ceis thinks that leaves Tunnel as the last man standing. But this is also made of straw, because the cost--which WILL inflate like the Big Dig, like major transportation projects usually seem to do--is untenable. And, as The Stranger pointed out, it is a tunnel that will also be a viaduct, a bridge and a 6-lane highway--i.e., an untenable Untunnel. Two Straw Men is like being asked to choose which "Star Trek" movie is the best, but only being allowed to choose between "The Motion Picture" and "Final Frontier." There needs to be a third option--"Wrath of Khan," say. Something with a Strand of credibility. Sunday funny: Non Sequitur. Make sure you read the paper on Dubya's lectern. Somebody get me a hankie, so I can wipe away the tears I'm shedding over the $4.8 million funding gap for the Allentown Streetcar. The taxpayers are already paying half the bill, including money redirected from pedestrian and bike facilities, and still Mayor Horizontal wants us to be even more generous. Well the land speculators should do what neighborhoods are always told when they ask for things like sidewalks: Sorry, but It's just the Way Things Are Done in Mayor Horizontal's World Class City. Chuckle as you read Korte Brueckmann's guest column in the March 15 North Seattle Herald-Outlook: Pushing the bullies out of the sandbox Posted March 17, 2006 Speaking of gases... Since it's St. Patrick's Day, the question arises: how much CO2 does beer release into the atmos? Beer isn't mentioned in this morning's P-I coverage that anticipates next week's release of Mayor Horizontal's plan for reduction of greenhouse gases by Seattle. Also not mentioned, surprisingly, are the words "light rail", which may be some kind of record for the office of the train-happy Mayor. $2.9 billion doesn't buy a mention in a PR plan that secured a spot on Page One? Maybe the Mayor doesn't want to be reminded that, in a region where millions of car trips occur in a day, the light rail line will only carry 45-50,000 people a day. Or maybe that many of those riders already ride the bus. Or maybe that the Sound Transit light rail EIS (Environmental Impact Statement, 1999) found practically no difference between the Build and No Build options. I expect that light rail can make a difference in offering a dependable and attractive
ride, thereby attracting enough ridership so that car use grows at a slower rate. I'll
take it when I need to go to the airport. But as for the need to significantly increase
transit's mode-split, that will require improving the transit paradigm by adding innovative technologies such as Personal
Rapid Transit.
I Now I need a Guinness or three. Posted March 14, 2006 The No-Fly List Bewitched Dir: Nora Ephron. Nicole Kidman, Will Ferrell, Michael Caine, Shirley Maclaine, Steve Carrell, Jason Schwartzman, Kristin Chenoweth, Amy Sedaris. Columbia/Sony. As part of our commitment to presentation of all points of view, Mr_Blog is pleased to present a new addition to our stable of correspondents. Please welcome new Vigilance Correspondent William "Henny" Penney, a Deputy Assistant Principal Undersecretary of State in the Department of Homeland Security. Welcome aboard, Mr. Penney. Thank you. For my first assignment I have been asked to review the motion picture "Bewitched." First, let me assure readers that they have nothing to fear. Everything is under control, and the chance of "Bewitched" actually being hijacked by foreign enemies of the state is very, very, very--VERY--small. "Bewitched" is, however, an excellent object lesson in the types of potential dangers we face from within. Based on the classic situation comedy, "Bewitched" is by all appearances a self-referential show business homage. Isabel Bigelow (Kidman) arrives in Hollywood seeking to live a normal existence. This in itself is highly suspicious. That she is a satanist witch living among us, passing for a normal citizen, is clearly a homeland security concern (it has been brought to my attention that there is a difference between Satanist witches and Wiccan witches. Rest assured had this been a real threat and not a movie, this distinction would be exhaustively investigated). Isabel sets out to create her 'normal life' in a way that resembles a sleeper agent establishing cover. A series of illegal acts are committed: Note that such things cannot occur in reality. DHS and other intelligence agencies are watching everything and everyone. For instance, no non-U.S. person or company with suspicious associations could ever, ever, ever--EVER--lease or gain control of American property without thorough vetting at the highest levels. Determined to prove to her warlock father Nigel (Caine) that she can survive without magic, Isabel next seeks employment. Instead it finds her, in the form of Jack Wyatt (Ferrell), an actor desperate for a hit since his last project, a disastrous box-office bomb (which should be rephrased if reading this review aloud in an airport). Of course, his comeback project is a remake of "Bewitched." The problem is that despite extensive auditions, an actress to play Samantha has yet to be found. That is, until Jack sees Isabel in a bookstore (see, this is why we need to be able to look at customer lists), quite literally wiggling her nose. She gets the part, and here the studio's hiring actions are a guide to how not to conduct human resource policy. Four primary violations of federal law are depicted: Also note that Uncle Arthur (Carrell) plays a protective, defense function in the plot. In reality he would not be allowed to serve in such a position in the U.S. armed forces. In addition, Isabel uses magic in her effort to create and manage a romance with Jack. While 'mind control' does not exist in reality, it is important for all alert citizens to be aware of weapons that are similarly odorless, colorless and quite real. We know they are out there, and we must always keep our eyes open. In the end, Isabel and Jack fall in love and move to the suburbs. But how can one really believe it if the reality of the relationship has been subverted through unknown means? Or the real suspicion of the mere possibility? In researching this assignment, I obtained videos of some of the old "Bewitched"
episodes. Boy, was it ever funny! And moral, and free of politics and controversy.
Feel-good entertainment for the whole family. But the best character of all was the
alert, watchful neighbor, Gladys Kravitz. The subtext was that Gladys's pathology
was a product of Cold War fear; she was the show's clown. With the rise of the
nuclear freeze movement and, later, the fall of the USSR, 'Gladys Kravitz' became
synonymous with an outmoded, paranoid world view. As a great man has said, that
was a "different world."
In A "different world" indeed. And above all, a safe one. A good lesson for all patriotic Americans. Thank you Mr. Penney, that was excellent work. Um, I'll need to see you in my office before you leave for the day. Also today: Streetcar shortfall may burden destitute property developers
Posted March 10, 2006 We who are not about to rock Kim Jong-Il is, to say the least, sensitive about not sharing the spotlight. So what with the Oscars hoopla I was unable to comment on the cancellation of this year's Summer Nights concert series. The reason? My tongue in cheek thesis is that Seattle doesn't know how to party. This is the city where you only hear about Mardi Gras if someone dies; where kids on skateboards are considered a nuisance on sidewalks, so of course they shouldn't have their own skatepark either; where, to listen to them complain about a 4-story parking garage, you'd think Zoo neighbors were living next to a nuclear power plant. And not a Zoo that already has a 6-story water tower. I've attended a number of these summer concerts. They take place at the end of the day on warm summer evenings. The audiences are mellow. Why would the laid-back, progressive Wallingford neighborhood object to having such a crowd at Gas Works? Right: Seattle doesn't know how to party. Oh, don't whinge. I know all about the controversy surrounding Parks Super Ken Bounds and the way he runs the department like his personal duchy--I lived that nightmare for five years baby. So why don't those who object use that? If someone spoils your party, find some other way. Extract concessions, like free tickets for residents. More parking enforcement during events. Charge concertgoers to park in your driveways or on lawns, like at the hydroplane races and Puyallup Fair. Leave work early on concert days: Sorry boss, gotta get home ahead of the concert traffic!
Shutting down a concert (or a Zoo parking garage, or a skatepark) because Ken Bounds did this or Ken Bounds did that makes as much sense as shutting down the entire parks system because Ken Bounds did something (and Bounds is always going to do something so long as we let the Mayor let Bounds stay where he is). It shows Seattle doesn't know how to party. If you don't like Ken Bounds (and who doesn't?), then target Ken Bounds. Lyle Lovett never hurt anyone. Also today: Raw unseasoned Greens
![]() On the Road to the Academy Awards by Kim Jong-Il Mr_Blog entertainment correspondent I. Have. Such. A hangover. Not since the opening of the Pyongyang Hooters have I seen such parties! My press ID (Korea bureau chief for Variety) got me into all the post-show invitation-only parties. Vanity Fair, Elton John, Orange County GOP--I went to all of them. The focal point of the Vanity Fair shindig was a huge ice sculpture of Tina Brown nude. I was sipping champagne with Naomi and Jen (I'm on Team Jen), and all of sudden along comes Reese Witherspoon! Isaac Mizrahi introduced me to her as 'Kim "Team America: World Police" Jong-Il,' and you should have seen her light up! She loved my self-mocking performance, and it turns out TAWP is one of her favorite movies of all time, right after "Citizen Kane" and "Buckaroo Banzai." When I told her W.D. Richter had originally written the Dr. Lizardo role with me in mind, that called for Big Hugs. She promised we would work together soon. Onward, to Elton John's after-party. He actually had an ice sculpture of himself nude. The Rocket Man didn't perform, but on the biggest plasma TV I've ever seen there was a DVD of his 2000 Madison Square Garden concert. I was determined to go to the National Rifle Association party, and Ted Nugent
and Tom Selleck obliged by sneaking me in, but my cover was blown. I was having
a beer with Katherine Armstrong, both of us marveling at the nude sculpture of
Charlton Heston, when Alan "Second Amendment" Gottlieb came up to me.
Dana Delaney joined us, asking me, "do you have any upcoming projects?"
She was in Hollywood small-talk mode.
It's time for me to start the long trek home. I am writing this dispatch at Angels Gate Park in San Pedro, on the steps of the pavilion housing the Korean Bell of Friendship. Amazing, even here I can get wi-fi on my Dell notebook. When I expand the Workers' Paradise to California, I plan to build myself a vacation home on this site. At the very spot where I'm sitting there will be a terrace. In the cool summer evenings I'll have parties, and all my Industry friends will be welcome. Usually, maybe at 2 am, such soirees reach a point where the conversations turn quiet. Clooney, with cigar and Cognac, will be holding court in the study. My companion, either Madeleine Albright or Ann Coulter, will be circulating among the sleepy guests, making sure everyone is happy, offering those who partied too hearty rides home, or a bed in one of the many guest rooms.
At those moments I will come to this spot, to my terrace. I'll sip my Madeira and gaze
out across the harbor toward Palos Verdes. I'll listen, fondly, to the laughter floating
on the night air, to the distant sounds of traffic, to the horns of ships arriving from
exotic locales. And I'll appreciate how fortunate I have been. Long live the
revolution, I'll think, Hooray for Hollywood.
Blarchives: Dear Leader by Kim Jong Il
![]() On the Road to the Academy Awards by Kim Jong-Il Mr_Blog entertainment correspondent Last night, over a wonderful dinner at Thomas Keller's French Laundry up in the Napa Valley, a few of us got into one of those discussions that is possible only among the Hollywood glitterati. Who, Barbra asked, will win this year's award for Best Fascist Dictator? She thought Tony Blair is deserving, because of the Labour Party irony. Phil and Marlo are pulling for Islam Karimov of Uzbekistan. Tom Selleck laughed his Magnum laugh and nominated Jack Valenti. Ted Nugent spoke in favor of Dick Cheney, but come ON. Cheney's always nominated, he's the Susan Lucci of fascism. Lindsay asked what a fascist is. When it came to be my turn I paused, and then shared what I had been musing over for some time: The sad fact is that BFD is fading away. Las Vegas doesn't lay odds on it anymore, and the media never writes about it, unless there's an underground resistance or impeachment. And next year it won't even be part of the main event, it will be relegated to presentation at the separate Scientific & Technical Awards ceremony. I reminded my friends that the Golden Globes had long ago phased out its Best Odious Powermonger award due to lack of interest. Like so many other things, interest in the BFD has been coöpted by television. And if the Emmys ever start giving a Dictator Award, can there be any doubt that the winner would be Trump?
Best Director
And finally, here's the award I really care about:
Speaking of fine threads, I have to now get ready for the ceremony.
I'm wearing Versace. See you on the red carpet!
Blarchives: Dear Leader by Kim Jong Il ![]() On the Road to the Academy Awards by Kim Jong-Il Mr_Blog entertainment correspondent What's impressed me this year is the degree to which the culture and values of
mighty North Korea have come to dominate this year's nominations for Best Picture.
The nominees are...
Blarchives: Dear Leader by Kim Jong Il ![]() On the Road to the Academy Awards by Kim Jong-Il Mr_Blog entertainment correspondent It's was a crueling few days, but it was all worth it now that I'm ensconced in my favorite Chateau Marmont bungalow (don't even try to call, I'm registered under an alias). Heck, even without room service it would be worth it, just to be here in Hollywood where the magic happens. I have this little tradition. The first thing I always do when I come to L.A. is rent a convertible, put the top down, and drive out to Griffith Park Observatory. There, I gaze out at this great metropolis: City of Angels; the dream factory; Disney; the Dodgers; "The OC". And I think that I can almost hear the dialectical materialism calling to me. Someday this will all be mine! The West is Red! Let's begin our look at the nominations, with the Acting categories.
And the winners are... How can you choose? Really, take your pick from an outstanding crop. Honestly, with the dozens and dozens of worthy performances every year, I don't know how anyone can say that Jude Law was better than Matt Damon, or Scarlett Johansen was outshined by Jenna Jameson. Why can't we just say ALL the supporting actors were "best"--because without them where would movies be? What do you mean, I 'have to choose'? I thought this country was about freedom of choice. Actress The nominees are... Judi Dench, MRS. HENDERSON PRESENTS Felicity Huffman, TRANSAMERICA Keira Knightley, PRIDE & PREJUDICE Charlize Theron, NORTH COUNTRY Reese Witherspoon, WALK THE LINE And the winner is... While I love Reeses to pieces, I have to go with Felicity Huffman on this one, I am a big fan of her work in "The Sopranos" and "Sunshine State." "Transamerica" is yet another excellent story about a nonconformist who, like North Korea, is simply trying to live in a society that wants them to fail. Plus, if you compare her with the others in this category, it is clear Huffman is the only one actually acting--the others are just doing impressions or fake British accents. Actor The nominees are... Philip Seymour Hoffman, CAPOTE Terrence Howard, HUSTLE & FLOW Heath Ledger, BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN Joaquin Phoenix, WALK THE LINE David Strathairn, GOOD NIGHT, AND GOOD LUCK. And the winner is... Here's a secret. The way I pick Best Actor is to ask myself, Who do I want to play me in the movie? For the longest time my choice was Burt "Cato" Kwouk, then for a while it was Hugh Grant. Then, when that "Legend of" documentary was in release, my choice was Ron Jeremy --for obvious reasons. Lately though my man has been Philip Seymour Hoffman, and his portrayal of Truman Capote, erudite yet troubled running dog lackey of the star system (see tomorrow), has earned him my vote for the statuette. Kim Jong Il is a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences (AMPAS) Blarchives: Dear Leader by Kim Jong Il ![]() On the Road to the Academy Awards by Kim Jong-Il Mr_Blog entertainment correspondent Aboard Pyongyang One. We're wheels-up and over the Yellow Sea. It'll be a long flight, longer than the last time I made this trip. That was early in 2001"different world." This time the glorious people's TU-144 vintage SST has to avoid Hawaii, follow the date line a while, refuel in the Solomons, then vector east to Ecuador. Then under the radar into Mexico, and a limo ride across the border to Hol-ly-wood. I'm camped out in the plane's screening room, re-watching tapes and DVDs of this year's crop of Oscar noms. I'll be making my picks in the coming days, leading up to the big March 5 telecast, where I plan to be in attendance. Kodak Theater, here I come!
Blarchives: Dear Leader by Kim Jong Il
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