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This program started in the 1990s at Bristol University as Advanced Transport Systems and became known as ULTra, for Urban Light Transport. The UK airports entity BAA bought into ULTra to develop the Heathrow Airport Pod system, and acquired ULTra in 2009. The first public system began service in 2011 at Heathrow, and ULTra was rebranded Ultra Global, owned by Heathrow. In 2015 Ultra Global was sold to Fairwood of India. In addition, an autonomous vehicle version is being developed by Westfield, and partners from the Bristol years have formed Ultra-MTS to promote Ultra.

Heathrow Pod wins Rail UK Sustainability/Net Zero award 12-4-2024

TFU: All we know 5-21-2023

It's been some time since word dropped of PRT construction at Chengdu Tianfu International Airport (TFU), so it was interesting to read almost-offhand mention of it being in operation in the Times of India's May 8 story on the YEIDA Noida DPR. NewsCenter reports this is news we can't confirm. There are no other reports of the PRT's launch or operation, either in news media or from the Ultra-MTS PR operation. And while video tours of TFU still show the guideway connected to the terminals, no pods or stations are in evidence, and PRT does not appear in the wayfinding elements inside the terminals.

On YouTube
China's Mega Airport, Chengdu
Amazing new airport in China

A video of the Heathrow Pods shared on TikTok went viral, netting over 200,000 views. 9-16-2022
Pod Ride 4-28-2022
The Heathrow Pods return to service after maintenance downtime, and reporter Callum Marius uses the occasion to go for a spin. Muses about UK government policies preparing the way for self-driving cars, but has doubts they will ever be used in London.

Map showing Chengdu-Tianfu Airport upcoming PRT system and location of remote parking complex 8-7-2021

Blue & white PRT line runs from the terminal buildings to P facility -Openstreetmap

Blue & white PRT line runs from the terminal buildings to P facility -Openstreetmap


/ Chengdu-Tianfu

Ultra-MTS has contract with Chinese airport project 11-26-2020.
Information from Chairman's bio. The new Chengdu-Tianfu International Airport (IATA: TFU) in central China is to open in 2021.

Chengdu-Tianfu Airport nearing completion, 2 curving terminals can be seen. -Google Maps

Chengdu-Tianfu Airport nearing completion, construction of PRT guideway visible between 2 curving terminals. -Google Maps

Construction of PRT guideway visible between 2 curving terminals. -Google Maps
PRT project passes expert review 1-22-2017
PRT also in urban transit mix for planned Airport City adjacent to airport 4-9-2019
• "the first PRT in Asia and the second PRT in the world" 6-18-2019
Factually incorrect, obviously: 1) Morgantown, 2) Masdar, 3) Heathrow,* 4) Suncheon.
PRT station will be part of transportation center situated between the two terminals. 8-11-2020

Depiction of PRT station inside "traffic center" (berth at center).

Depiction of PRT station inside "traffic center" (berth at center).

PRT in project description for airport transportation transfer center. 11-13-2020
Reporter on test flight to TFU 1-22-2021
*PRT to link terminals to remote parking area 4800m/2.98mi away. Will be second [Ultra] PRT in the world.

• "the airport project is equipped with a personal rapid transit system" 2-7-2021
Project reaches batch commissioning stage 6-6-2021
Kunming Shipbuilding is building 22 pods (photos).

• "TFU officially open 6-28-2021
PRT system will have 6 mi of guideway, 4 stations, and 22 pods. Phase One of the new airport is one terminal and 3 runways; Phase Two will add a second terminal and another 3 runways.

TFU guideway: we found this shot in a video taken by a driver arriving at Terminal 1. The PRT guideway is seen passing over the road and curving into the terminal. 9-6-2023

Frame from YouTube video, 'Tianfu Airport Pickup'

Frame from YouTube video, 'Tianfu Airport Pickup'


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