First Masdar section opens Worthy experiment or elitist playground? 9-26-2010
Green Prophet reports; commenter claims contracts have been signed for GAS STATIONS at Masdar City.
Video: Jurgen Happ of Foster+Partners discusses Masdar design rationale
Lord Foster interview: description of podcars is Dual Mode. 6-29-2010
Reports: Masdar not scaling back --Al-Jaber 6-30-2010
MIST's head of research said to quit 6-21-2010
Trouble at solar mill: Management change at Masdar PV could reflect decreasing cost of conventional panels 5-7-2010
Editor's Blog: Masdar City backs away from major goal - making excuses to not do PRT, and allow EV and hybrid cars. 4-27-2010
US Department of Energy and Masdar sign clean energy cooperation memorandum of understanding 4-26-2010
Foster re-plans 3-25-2010
New developer Aldar takes over, focus on Masdar Institute construction.
"Financial Woes Crimp Celebrated Middle East 'Green City'" 3-17-2010
Editor's Blog: Changes at Masdar - some perspective
"One touch travel: cyber taxis for UAE" 2getthere's Robert Lohmann interviewed about Masdar PRT. 1-20-2010
Sultan Al Jaber: Geothermal technology cause of delay in Masdar completion 1-18-2010
Masdar, the Abu Dhabi Government’s clean energy firm, gave a sneak preview yesterday of what life will be like in its groundbreaking carbon-neutral city when the first residents move in later this year.
Underneath the jumble of cranes and scores of construction workers, the narrow, shaded streets around the Masdar Institute are taking shape, with futuristic electric pod cars already up and running.
Students and faculty will start work in the science labs in May and move into
100 apartments in June.
Press gaggle for Masdar construction
Photos from Cleantech Group
Photos from The National (UAE)
"Work in full swing"
MIST provost interviewed
Greentech video- part 1, part 2, Article
Gulf News video
Masdar City completion pushed back to at least 2020. Challenges called bigger than expected; MIST to open autumn of 2010. 1-4-2010
Masdar - based on a very different dream 12-4-2009
Meet the Mod Pods 12-2-2009
MIT Tech Review: "Why Dubai's Troubles Won't Hurt Masdar" 11-30-2009
Masdar PRT Wallpaper 10-13-09
MIST to work with Boeing on 3rd-gen biofuel 10-6-2009
Smart appliances 10-5-2009
Masdar's seeds start to sprout across the world 9-18-2009
The green university at the heart of a living lab 9-10-2009
Head of firm doing Masdar City master plan: PRT being trialled "on-site right now" 9-5-2009
2getthere's Masdar page. Description of fleet for initial segment.
"A no-impact city?" (Forbes)
U of Kansas professor working on Masdar HQ
Masdar Institute welcomes students - official launch Sept. 6
BASF named 'preferred supplier' 8-27-09
Masdar to have a Swiss district 8-6-09
Khaled Awad on WBUR's "On Point" (45 min) 8-3-2009
MI (MIST), A Green University (Newsweek)
IRENA won't support nuclear energy - Pelosse. 7-29-09
Architect/peace activist Sorkin lauds Masdar City 6-4-09.
Mr Sorkin is a long-time advocate of public transportation but he has railed against the movement's neo-traditionalism and trend towards uniformity of design.
But he said he was bowled over by Masdar City, the planned carbon-neutral development in Abu Dhabi that will rely entirely on renewable energy. "There is nothing as progressive or as remotely interesting here in the US," he said. "We are so far behind and I'm full of admiration for Masdar."
International Renewable Energy Agency may be based at Masdar
Would UAE-France partnership "nuclear taint" imperil IRENA?
Masdar chosen as IRENA headquarters 6-30-09
Masdar 10MW solar farm online, connected to Abu Dhabi grid 6-1-09
Luca Guala interviewed about Masdar PRT 5-21-09
Mission To Masdar: Building bridges to Abu Dhabi and Dubai.
A Seattle leadership mission studies how two smart citistates in the United
Arab Emirates are setting the pace in urban development
Masdar City launches website: New site describes plans for walkable city environment, facilitated by PRT, freight PRT, LRT, and HSR. See Transport description in "Technology."
Products sold in Masdar City will have carbon footprint labeling