Blarchive September 2004 Comments (remove NOSPAM) Googling Mr_Blog? Don't forget the underscore. Posted September 30, 2004 "And there it is! Maybe." Dave Niehaus (1400 PDT) Just now, #51 Ichiro Suzuki came to theplate for the Mariners. Top of the 5th. A hit would tie George Sisler's 1920 record formost hits (257) in a season. And ESPN did not cut into regular scheduledprogramming to bring it to us, live. Guess it's still true: if sports newshappens more than 50 miles from Manhattan, it's not worth getting excited about. Or maybe they consulted Psychic Friends Network and knew Ichiro would strike out. Back | Comments (remove NOSPAM) Posted September 29, 2004 In your face, Dubya The Lone Star Iconoclast of Crawford, TX endorses Kerry. Back | Comments (remove NOSPAM) I love Air America Radio. I really do. It ought to be called Breath of Fresh AirAmerica Radio. It's great to finally have a station I can turn on anytime and actuallyheargaspviewpoints that I agree with! And yet if I want to listen to AAR anywhere other than at home, I have toeither get XM Satellite Radio service or haul around a purple & white iMac,circa 2000, and a very long extension cord. Because, you see, I'm in Seattle,and the nearest AA affiliate is down Interstate 5 in Portland. AAR could woo a low-power AM station, or one of the many soundalike FM musicstations. But why not go for a major station with a track record in the newstalkformat? I'm talking about KVI 570-AM. For years KVI has been the sore thumb ofSeattle radio, blaring right-wing "hot talk" radio. Liddy, Limbaugh and the likehave called KVI home; if you wanted to know about Monica Lewinsky or VinceFoster, you dialed to KVI. Once the Number 3 station in the Seattle market, since late in 2003 KVI hashad to compete with KTTH, a Clear Channel station that switched to theright-wing format. The Rush-bag moved to KTTH. In the Winter 2004 ratings book,KVI fell to 22nd place. KTTH was 13th. Seattle doesn't need two commercial conservative stations. Why on earth shouldKVI continue to fight over a shrinking piece of the right wing pie? Why notjettison the hatemongers and pick up progressive Air America? The marketinghook is obvious: "KVI 570: on the Left side of the dial!" Some might object at losing a place for George Noory and Art Bell. Fine, an AAR-ified KVI can keep their late-night Coast To Coast show, which Mr_Blog sees as charmingly nutty (besides, liberals go to bed early). Others might whine that Seattle already has a liberal station. KUOW is a powerful FM station,but it is an NPR affiliate and therefore blandly nonpartisan. What's more, verylittle of KUOW programming features call-in opportunities. A final reason for a switch: KVI is owned by Fisher Broadcasting. TheFishers are everything good about Seattle: civic-minded, responsible, andgenerous. The Fishers own community-minded KOMO TV and radio, ABC affiliates.The Fishers are Puyallup Fair scones and Exploration Northwest. Why they continue to havedivisive, narrow-minded, greed-advocating KVI in their portfolio is mystifying.Installing Air America at KVI would have two benefits: a balance to right-wingKTTH, and give the Fishers something in-tune with the community'smoderate-progressive mainstream. Good grief, Bob Melvin. Monday's Mariners-As game. It was the bottom of the 9th, with the score tied at5-5. Leading off for Oakland, Erubiel Durazo sent a short fly into shallow leftfield. Instead of an easy out, Seattle SS Jose Lopez collided with LF RaulIbanez, and the ball dropped for a double. But what cost the Mariners in whatbecame a 6-5 loss was what happened next. Or rather, what didn't happennext. Seattle manager Bob Melvin had reliever Julio Mateo pitch to the next batter,Jermaine Dye. What Melvin should have done is intentionally walk Dye, setting upa force at any base. Instead, Dye grounded out to second, advancing Durazo tothird. Now with 1 out but no double play possibility, Melvin decided to walk the nexttwo batters, loading the bases. Then Bobby Crosby sacrificed EstabanGerman home. Another close loss, another Melvin miscue. Is Dusty Baker available? Back | Comments (remove NOSPAM) Posted September 24, 2004 You have got to be kidding me Ah... a piping-hot espresso and the morning paper. Mariners had a travel day,Ichiro's still at 247 hits... the House extends middle class tax cuts, sends the bill to The Future... Jack Straw is a Cat Stevens fan... God, thatDilbert just kills me, really he does. And what other important businesshas Congress been devoting its valuable time to? Iraq? The economy? SocialSecurity? The looming pension crisis? Nokeeping "under God" in the Pledgeof Allegiance: The legislation, promoted by GOP conservatives, would prevent federal courts, including the Supreme Court, from hearing cases challenging the words "under God," a part of the pledge for the past 50 years. AP, 9/23/2004 One could ask how the Separation of Powers and the principle ofjudicial review can be legislated away. But what with the lies leading tothe illegal invasion of Iraq, the theft of the Florida 2000 vote, the PATRIOTAct, illegal imprisonments, etc., shredding more of the Constitution is hardly worth mentioning. And what other priorities did our federal representatives attend to? I happen to knowthat last week the Republican't-controlled House voted to protect Americancorporations that have moved headquarters to the Caribbean to avoid U.S. taxes.Bya vote of 189-211, the House voted to allow such lowlifes to continue toreceive federal contracts from the Treasury and Transportation departments andother agencies. Isn't free enterprise great? A call to the Red Phone :: Brrrrring ::George W. Bush: Hello, this is George W. Bush, President of the U-nited States of 'Merica, speaking. Mr_Blog: Dubya? It's Mr_Blog! GWB: Bloggy-blog? How are ya, boy! MrB: Oh, just fine Mr. President- GWB: [Giggles] Ow! MrB: Are you OK sir? GWB: Sure. Sorry; it's jes' that, well, sometimes I still hafta pinch myself. MrB: Um... GWB: To see if I'm dreamin'. MrB: Yeah... listen, Dubya, about why I'm calling- GWB: Shoot. MrB: I was wondering if you could pay my mortgage. GWB: Yer whatage? MrB: You know. Mortgage. My house loan. On my house. GWB: Not sure that I- MrB: It's like that money you got from Harken so you could buy stock. GWB: Oh, sure! 'Cept I didn't hafta pay it back. MrB: We're on the same page. GWB: Funny. Fer the longest time I didn't know the T was silent. MrB: T? GWB: In 'mortgage'. MrB: Is there someone else I could talk to? Is Dick there? GWB: Nope, jest me. Dick's in his basement over at the NavalObservatory. Don't know what he's doin'. Guess what everyone does in theirbasement. MrB: Put up peaches and green beans for the winter? GWB: Could be... MrB: Anyway, about my mortgage- GWB: Well now, it depends. How much is it for? MrB: Right now it's at $130,000. GWB: Gosh, I don't know- MrB: It's just that I just read about those billions of dollars inunspent Iraq reconstruction funds. GWB: Oh, don't get me wrong. It's not that I don't have the money.It's that- well, you only need $130,000. MrB: Only? GWB: Sure! Dick's got Halliburton and those boys cooking up contractsfor tens of millions at a time! Don't rightly know if it would be worth our timeto hand out anything less than eight figures. MrB: You have GOT to be kidding. GWB: I'm not. You've gotta make me an offer. MrB: OK. Uh... $30 million? GWB: Atta boy! I heppen to have $30 million on my desk that I'm lookin' for bidders on. Right now the CEO of Diebold is on the other line, wantin' the contract to supply Baghdad with touchscreen votin' machines for the January election. He's gonna deliver the vote for Allawi. MrB: Gee... I didn't expect I'd be competing against someone else. I was kind of hoping- GWB: What? MrB: That I could get one of those no-bid contracts. GWB: Oh! Those are for Pioneers only. Haley Barbour handles those,I'll hafta transfer you. Now I'm not sure exactly which button to pr- :: DIAL TONE :: Back | Comments (remove NOSPAM) Posted September 21, 2004 Bush file tampering suspected Yet another instance of documents under a microscopebut this time from the anti-Dubya side. Blue Lemur is reporting that papers from Bush's Guard file show signs of being altered, possibly to coverup a failed attempt to become a flight instructor (after already being removed from fighter status). The papers under scrutiny come from Bush's discharge form. Evidence of document tampering (AWOL Project) Back | Comments (remove NOSPAM) Posted September 20, 2004 CBS flub doesn't matter CBS News today apologized for the "60 Minutes" story charging that PresidentBush had received favorable treatment in the Texas Air National Guard Who cares? Marian Carr Knox has already stated, twice, that she typed other memos that contained the same information as in the suspect memo. But Marian Carr Knox, a former Texas Air National Guard secretary, Mrs. Knox is an eyewitness saying that Dubya didn't fulfill his Guard obligations. He still cannot produce any credible evidence or witnesses to the contrary. Imaginative Florida strategy. Democrats still smarting from the Florida 2000 fiasco (and aren't we all?) may want to check out the site for Operation Snowbird. Site owner Lawrence Caplan is targeting New York voters who spend part of the year in Florida to change their registrations and vote in Florida by absentee ballot. Caplan's rationale is that since Kerry is likely to win New York by a huge margin, it only makes sense to send some of those "extra" votes to where they will do more good. Back | Comments (remove NOSPAM) Posted September 18, 2004 Another 1st Amendment criminal Here's yet another example of an anti-Dubya/Dick protestor. Again, the protestor does nothing but exercise freedom of speech, but is assaulted in a public place and "escorted" away like some kind of criminal: One protester who made his way into the Eugene rally shouted, "Stop the war, bring home the troops," several times before he was tackled by Springfield resident Arthur Briga, a senior citizen and former Marine. Security officers then escorted the demonstrator from the hangar. Cheney urged the crowd to treat the protester "with kindness." Source A report on Northwest Public Radio/KUOW added the information that the demonstrator had been "smashed in the face." Back | Comments (remove NOSPAM) Posted September 17, 2004 Breaking:(1750 PDT)From The Guardian, where it's already Saturday: Iraq had no WMD: the final verdict Bush is afraid of us (or, "America, Shut Up or Leave It") It's been widely know for some time that audiences at Dubya/Dick campaignevents are tightly controlled. Loyalty oaths must be signed by would-beattendees. When Vice President Dick Cheney spoke July 31... in Rio Rancho [NM]... several people who showed up at the event complained about being asked to sign endorsement forms in order to receive a ticket to hear Cheney. Hand-picked rally audiences are nothing new. What is alarming is that harshretaliation is occuring against dissenters who commit the apostasy ofheckling Dubya. Harrassment is taking the form of loss of jobs, arrests, and even assaults. (Aug. 21)[Glen Hiller,] who heckled President Bush at a political rally was fired from his job at [Octavo Designs of Frederick, Md.,] an advertising and design company for offending a client who provided tickets to the event. ... Hiller was ushered out of Hedgesville High School on Tuesday after shouting his disagreement with Bush's comments about the war... The crowd had easily drowned out Hiller with its chant: "Four more years." Source A recent victim is Ms. Lynne Gobbell of Moulton, AL. Her offense? Sheshowed up for her job. Gobbell was fired from her job at Enviromate, a company that makes housing insulation, for driving to work with a Kerry-Edwards bumper sticker in the rear windshield of her Chevy Lumina. The person who did the firing was Phil Geddes, who owns the company and is an enthusiastic Bush supporter. (Although Gobbell hasn't done any proselytizing for Kerry at Enviromate, Geddes distributed a flyer to all Enviromate employees explaining why they should vote for Bush.) Luckily, Ms. Gobbell's plight came to the attention of John F. Kerry, who has given her a job. Not even elected yetand already Kerry has a net gain in job creation. You can't even yell at Laura Bush. Yesterday, Sue Niederer of Hopewell, N.J., attempted to confront the Selected First Lady during a speech: Police escorted [Niederer] from a rally at a firehouse after she demanded to know why her son, Army 1st Lt. Seth Dvorin, 24, was killed in Iraq. Dvorin died in February while trying to disarm a bomb. Her son died for Bush's war, and she is hauled off like a common criminal. The retaliation is even occuring with government sanction and cooperation.The 'offended client' in the Hiller firing was a PR firm representing theBerkeley County, WV, public school district. On July 4, 2004, the day on which we celebrate our nation's freedoms, theRepublicans decided instead to breach the 1st Amendment. Jeff & Nicole Rank of Texaswere arrested on the grounds of the West Virginia state capitol because, at aBush campaign appearance The pair wore T-shirts with the message "Love America, Hate Bush." Trespassing charges against the Ranks were later dropped, and the City Council of Charleston issued an apology at the behest of a Democratic member. Bush's Secret Service detail is even getting into the act. (Sep 9)seven AIDS activists who heckled President Bush during a campaign appearance were shoved and pulled from the room -- some by their hair, one by her bra straps -- and then arrested for disorderly conduct and detained for an hour.
Sidebar: The Littlest Shill (or, "Not since Ryan and Tatum O'Neal teamed up...")(1640 PDT) Check out our friends at T.I.T.S., where Citizen Daryl relays a very interesting piece of sleuthing that exposes one Phil Parlock as a repeat dirty trickster, a three-time offender of the Republican't stripe. It's certainly a case of child exploitation by the pro-family partyhow about endangerment, too? Chapter 49-1-3(a)(c) of the West Virginia Code lists "mental or emotional injury" in the definition of abuse or neglect. Maybe someone should call the authorities and run the question by them. You know, just to be safe. The number for the West Virginia Bureau for Children & Families Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline is 800-352-6513. Remember, it's spelled p-a-r-l-o-c-k. Scamming the Media, Parlock Style (Truthout) Sidebar: NBCee Danger Everywhere.Are there a lot of TV shows that look like they are being written by Tom Ridge and Dick Cheney? Last night while I was not laughing at the latest installment of NBC's Joey, I happened to see two previews for new episodes of Law & Order and Medical Investigations. Both episodes attempt to garner viewership with storylines about Our Troops In Danger Here At Home: on L&O, a soldier is MURRRDERRRED, and the prime suspect might just be a former military prisoner! And on MI, stateside soldiersare attacked with bio/chemical WMDs! So what if such thingsaren't really happeningan America too afraid to leave the warm glowof their TVs and go outdoors equals Big Ratings! (As well as low voter turnout.) And the odds we'll soon be seeing the J.A.G. legal team defend a Muslim Army chaplain falsely accused of espionage? Or a new spinoff Law & Order: Secret Military Tribunals? Not likely! Instead, turn off the TV and join me at the multiplex, where'll I'll be seeing John Sayles's Silver City and the Thunderbirds homage, Team America. Back | Comments (remove NOSPAM) Posted September 15, 2004 Craven Hypocrisy Alert Ya gotta love it when the Bushies' arrogance gets so extreme that even a highprofile journalist has to bust them on it. Witness CNN's Capital Gang fromlast weekend; the panel included Bush pitbull Robert Novak and guest host AlHunt of the Wall Street Urinal. The segment ( NOVAK: ..."The Boston Globe" got a new expert who said the thing probably isauthentic. In the same story, they went back to the expert that "The WashingtonPost" had used. He said it isn't authentic. I think it's going to be veryinteresting to find out if these are forged or phony documents. That'sas ajournalist, I think that's a very interesting story. Sidebar: The Mark Of Rove. (1300 PDT) At the end of my Sept. 10 post I made the observation that the Killian memos, if fake, could have been leaked to help Dubya by casting doubt upon the authenticity of all disclosed and yet-to-be disclosed records. Almost as a joke, I closed with the remark that Karl Rove would be good at such a plot.It turns out others are thinking the same thing: Did Karl Rove plan leak of alleged forged documents to 60 Minutes? Sidebar: Huge Bush drop among Undecideds (1100 PDT) From Bloomberg News: Sept. 15 President George W. Bush's approval rating declined to 44 percent from 56 percent among undecided voters since the Republican National Convention, a poll by the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg Public Policy Center found. Sidebar: impending Democratic majority? (0933 PDT) The vote totals from yesterday's first-ever Washington State PartisanPrimary show that 54% checked the Democratic box. Only 37% checkedRepublican. That's a D majority of all votes, including those of thepetulant babies who refused to indicate a party preference, and so wereonly able to vote in nonpartisan races. Back | Comments (remove NOSPAM) Posted September 14, 2004 Grow up you freakin' babies It's Primary Election Day 2004, and many Washington state voters are revealing themselves to be spoiled rotten. A recent court decision held that the major parties and Libertarians have the right to control who nominates their candidates:Democrats voting for Democrats, Republicans voting for Republicans, Libertarians voting for Libertarians, idiots voting for Greens, and so on. I know what you're thinking: "But Mr_Blog, all that means is that each party has a separate primary. You only vote in one party's column. Lots of states do that." Exactly! It means you don't live in Washington. For in Washington for the last 70-something years we've had a blanket primarycandidates from all parties in the same column, only one column, and voters just go down the offices ticking off whatever candidates they want irrespective of party. Now that's all over;this year, for the first time, a voter must check a box for Party Preference and vote only in that column. A lot of people are livid over this. "I vote for the person," say the whiners. Mr_Blog hates this philosophy. You might as well say "I vote for the best hairdo" or "I vote for the one with the most attractive dog." It is the reverse of what we ought to do; it is "I vote on personality, not the issues." The reality shows the silliness in even sharper relief: stating party preference isn't a party registration, elections officials don't turn the information over to the parties. For weeks the Personality Voters, the angry nonpartisan partisans, have phonedcall-in shows and lettered to Editors. This morning on KIRO 710-AM, fill-in hostCharles Jaco interviewed Washington Secretary of State Sam Reedabout the backlash. Reed said that many absentee ballots already sent in havecolorful political statements written on them, concerning what poll workers cando with their partisan ballots. Worse yet, the Personality Voters threaten to protest by not voting. Jesus H. Christ. Remember Civics 101low turnout benefits Republicans. The polls show Washington is leaning to Kerry now; if it goes for Bush, I know who I'm blaming. I am here to say Grow Up You Freakin' Babies. You don't live in some happy nonpartisan Nirvana.In case you haven't noticed we are living in highly partisan times. The right wing wackos are already voting a de facto partisan ballot: Republican all the way. Time for the rest of us to form a progressive bloc: fill in the bubble nextto Democratic and vote in that column. Just this year at least. But if you thinkyou'll just die if you can't vote for an R in at least one race, try this as asecurity blanket: vote in the Democratic column, but vote for an R as aDemocratic write-in. Got your blankie? Now stick your thumbs in your mouths and go vote. Freakin' babies. Articles: Dismal turnout predicted for new Washington primary Posted September 13, 2004 Greed gets it right, for a change Seattle is known around the world for its 1962-vintage Alweg monorail, perhaps the biggest icon for the city save for the Space Needle. Many visitors are still surprised that the route of the art deco train-on-a-stick is less than a mile long, shuttling between the Needle and a downtown station. A plan to begin design work for a 14-mile line finally got the go ahead in 2002, and has been problem-plagued ever since. Errors in estimating the revenues from a special car tax led to tax collection shortfalls; the pricetag of the hypothetical train rose, forcing design changes. While the bad news piled up, a few citizens began organizing a recall campaign. Petitions were circulated, getting enough signatures for the Nov. 2004 ballotexcept it has been tied up in court. The case may have been resolved today: an appeals court ruled in favor of the recall. A state appeals court this morning ruled that anti-monorailInitiative 83 should proceed to the November ballot. What should happen to the recall? I'm of two minds. On the one hand there'sthe The People Have Already Spoken argument: we've already voted, several times.Whether the monorail was approved in 2002 by an 800 vote margin or 8,000 votes,we can't keep second guessing the planning of a massive public works project.But then there's the converse argument: The Taxpayers Are Free to Change TheirMinds; it's why we have ballot questions. Yes, I know the recall is being bankrolled by shadowy business interests whoare afraid monorail construction will hurt their property values. But in thisinstance I think greed wound up on the right side. 1. The monorail plan, especially the cost, has changeddrastically in the past two years, and for the worse. As noted, funding levelsare below projections. The recently opened Las Vegas monorail came in at a costof $162 million per mile, even with no difficult terrain or water crossings likethere will be in Seattle. Moreover, a bid was received from only one contractingteam, led by Hitachi. So the Seattle Monorail contract will be awarded after anegotiation, not a competition. 2. The People Have Spoken, but changing their minds isinconvenient only for the planning bureaucracy. Agency inertia is difficult tocheck, but that shouldn't be the deciding factor on what is essentially ataxation and urban development question. 3. The bankrollers of the recall are not its onlysupporters, businesses and residents along the projected route appear to belining up against the project. Their opinions should not be discounted. Afterall, it's for the people along the route that the monorail is to be built; ifyou live too far from the route, it's just not convenient. Longtime followers of this website know my opinions about mass transit: whatthe U.S. has now works only for a few big cities, and conventional technologieshave proven they cannot serve the rest. If it were up to me we would make arelatively small public investment to develop a number of new-paradigm automated transit systems. The facts are these (and they are uncontested by even the pro-monorail camp):the monorail won't improve traffic; the planned corridor is already well-servedby buses; the number of cartrips the monorail is expected to reduceannually is but a fraction of the number that take place in the Seattlearea daily. If the benefit is to be small, the people have the right to pull the plug ifthe cost is too high. Better sooner than later. In fact, the leaders of themonorail campaign in 2002 promised to take the plan back to the voters if it got tooexpensive: If the measure is approved by voters, ETC Chairman Tom Weeks has promised thatif the project can't be built for the anticipated cost, it will not proceed. Heexpects construction bids would be received next year. I think it's time to ask. After that, we should do the same with themonstrosity known as Central Link Light Rail. But that's a blog post for another day. Posted September 10, 2004 Are those real? Wow, so one or two of the new Killian memos on G.W. might be fake? Inan interview, the source of which I'll relate below, Mr. Fred Showker, whoteaches typography and digital graphics at James Madison University, says of theKillian signature on one of the memos: "Do you think he would have stopped that 'K' nice and cleanly, right therebefore it ran into the typewriter 'Jerry," Showker asked. "You can't stop aballpoint pen with a nice square ending like that ... The end of that 'K' shouldbe round ... it looks like you took a pair of snips and cut it off so you couldsee the 'Jerry.'" Way back when, I used to do a lot of cut & paste layout work, so I know asnip job when I see one. But here's the thing: it only looks that way ifyou don't look at the rest of the signature. Try it: Here are the other things. Look under the signature at Killian'stitle, "Lt. Colonel[,] Commander". The letters don't share the same baseline;some are higher than others. Many of the letters in the body of the memo alsoexhibit this characteristic. Now, it is possible to create this effect in MSWord. But if we are to accept this is a fake, we have to accept that the fakerwas smart enough to alter character vertical position, but not smartenough to know to use a fixed-width font. Moreover, if this had been faked on a computer, why would you go to the trouble of changing character position, printing it so that some of the lines are crooked like a bad typewriter, and aging it so welland then do a sloppy, paste-on signature? Why not scan the signature, pretty it up in Photoshop, and then drop it into the document so that it overlaps text in a realistic way? Maybe the K-tail ends abruptly because that was just how Killian wrote. Do I think it's a fake? On balance, No. Consider who broke the allegations: afew right-wing rags like Cybercast News (poster of the above passage) and WeeklyStandard. And consider the wider context: Bush still cannot produce documents(other than payroll records) or (credible) witnesses to prove that heperformed his required Guard service. But there's something else that troubled me last night. It is a passage froma story by the New York Times's Terence Hunt (9/9): We don't know the provenance of the memos, but we do know they didn't comefrom the Pentagon. It is important to note that Bush doesn't have to proveconclusively all the evidence is fake or wrong, he only has to create doubtabout some of the evidence. The political effect is pretty much the same.How better to do this than create your own fake memo, include a dead giveaway (like a proportional font), and slip it into a stack of real memos? Who do you thinkwould be better at doing this, Karl Rove or Jeanne Shaheen? (Karl Rove.) Followup: Rather counters "fake" charge Finally, Costa Rica hasdropped out of the "coalition" of the willing. Back | Comments (remove NOSPAM) Ladies and bloggers, yesterday we learned of additional files that contain history of Dubya's supposed time in the Texas Air National Guard: Yet on February 10th of this year, White House PR flack Scott McClellan said they had already made public all the files on Dubya's National Guard service: How many times are "all the records" going to be released? How many more files on Dubya are out there in the archives of the Texas Air Guard, the Pentagon, or eventhe George the First Presidential Library (which had the photo of Dubya wearing a ribbon he didn't earn)? How many have been intentionally squirreled away, in hopes that no one comes looking for them? Back | Comments (remove NOSPAM) Breaking: Bush missed Guard duty, records say Do you think he'll try to say that serving as Commander in Chief fulfils his Guard obligation? Coverage at Blue Lemur: Bush was AWOL in 1972 brought to you courtesy of the Dick: But Dick, you and W have already proved that you can't prevent us from being hit in a devastating way. That makes the two of youone might saythe wrong choice for the wrong job at the wrong time. And say: you seem awfully confident that Al Qaeda isn't going to strike before the election. What exactly do you know, HMMMM? You're going down, boy. Another nomination for The Idiotic 527 Group Award goes to the apparently right-wing Voters Education Committee. Yesterday the Washington Public Disclosure Commission ruled the VEC must disclose the names of the person or persons bankrolling the group's current million-dollar negative TV ad campaign against Democrat Attorney General candidate Deborah Senn. VEC was registered by the chairman of another group that donates to Republicans, and a staffer from that group is listed as VEC's financial custodian. While I love it when Rs are caught red-handed, I wouldn't be surprised if oneof the culprits turned out to be the egregious Mark Sidran, Senn's opponent inthe D primary. Sidran is using a witty fundraising letter from Al Franken (they were Harvard classmates), hoping that Seattle Democrats will forget how Sidran as City Attorney pushed a number of "civility" laws whose purpose was to hassle the poor and homelessmaking it illegal to sit or lie on sidewalks, for instance. Sidran and his wife Anais Winant also tried to prevent Sonya's restaurant from opening on First Avenue, because they said it would be a "blight". The Sidrans just happen to own the building next door. A Korean-American owned business, Sonya's was a dive in its old 7th Avenue location, but the owners have proved the Sidrans wrong with a successful makeover in both decor and clientele. And in future maybe Al Franken will be more careful with his endorsements. Bike News: I am pleased to report that the Princeton Tec lighting company is going to introduce a bicycleversion of its outstanding Corona headband light. The word came yesterday from Jason Harrington of Princeton Tec's Outdoor Division. The Corona looks like a large plastic wristwatch. Where the watchface would be are mounted 8 bright LEDs; buttons allow the user to vary the number of LEDs in use, and to toggle between steady and flash.The only thing making the current Corona unsuitable for bikes is the short power cord; hopefully the bike version remedies this. Harrington said the Corona bike light might hit the market in two months. Back | Comments (remove NOSPAM) Breaking: A superior court judge in Thurston County, WA (location of the state capital) today ruled unconstitutional Washington's 1998 Defense of Marriage Act. This is the second judicial finding against the law at the county level. Ms_Blog and I were playing Scrabble last Saturday, and the oddest thing happened. She had left the room briefly, and was in the kitchen recharging our cocktails. I had just put down a word, and had drawn several new tiles and placed them on my tile rack. One of the new tiles was the X. All I could do now was await Ms_Blog and the cocktails. I sat back in my chair; I looked out the window. Suddenly there was a clatter of a Scrabble tile hitting the floor. I looked over and there, about 4 feet to my left, was a tile, face down. I assumed it had been in my seat cushion, and I had dislodged it. I picked it up. At this point Ms_Blog returned. I turned the tile over in my hand; it was an X. I looked at my tile rack; the X I had just placed there wasn't there anymore. The only conclusion I could reach was that the X picked itself up and tossed itself on the floor. Before you comment, know these facts: nothing bumped the table; there was no wind; the cat was outside; no other tiles fell off the rack. Sidebar: ...and nurses make you better. John Kerry went on the offensive on the first day after Labor Day: Back | Comments (remove NOSPAM) ...was the big applause line from Dubya's acceptance speech. The end justifies the means and I'll do whatever I want to get payback is what he wanted to say. And you know what? If he had, the standing ovations would have been just as loud and frequent. Lies; distortions; violating the Constitution; imprisonment without trial;sweetheart deals for corporate cronies; fearmongering. These and more are the"whatever" that Bush and his Bushies have proved all too willing to engage in.Nothing has changed; last night's pretty words were spin for the faithful,nothing more. Some other reactions: Decision 2004: The Stars Weigh In. One of the things I've enjoyed doing since starting this blog is reading other people's blogs. One I found recently is Robert Wilkinson's The Aquarius Papers. Wilkinson appears to be an astrologer and author in addition to commentator. A Wilkinson post from the other day concerns his claim of inside info thatDick Cheney is going to step down from the GOP ticket, for health reasons, infavor of John McCain: Wilkinson's instincts are good. What I'm afraid of is that his sources and"indicators" are from a plane of existence different from our own. We're not buying it. 1345PDT Today's poll numbers show Dubya may get a Tony nomination for his Conventionperformance, but it's not changing public opinionmuch. Zogby pollingnumbers through to Sept. 2: Bush job performance: 48% "Exc/Good" (up 1%).The biggest convention bounce is in the hazy "overall opinion" category: Zogby has Bush at 54%, up 3% from the previous week. But on the preference question, the latest numbers show Kerry and Bush tied or separated by only 2-3% (and note that Nader indeed has the spoiler margin). The Fox poll, of all things, has Kerryahead by 1%. In other words, it's still even. Bring on the debates. On the web: Back | Comments (remove NOSPAM) 0920PDTAt present there are only 2 hits in Google News about Bush Medalgate. But bless the blogs and progressive sites: 645 hits. Tune in to Al Franken right now, he's exposing last night's Zell Miller and Dick Cheney LIES about Kerry's defense votes. 1000PDTThe Washington Post did its best to set the record straight, for those who bother to read farther down in the stories: Then & Now.1030PDTAnd finally, Kerry hits back on last night's Cheney flip-flops: Back | Comments (remove NOSPAM) I know, you probably choked when you heard that John McCain told the GOP assemblage Yeah, I know: SO much wrong with that paragraph. There's a lot of lying going on in New York this week, and here's one that is so far getting almost no coverage: House Speaker Dennis Hastert has vomited all over the gravitas of his office by "speculating," to FOX's Chris Wallace, that progressive financier George Soros gets his money from shady "drug groups". Where else is this smear getting play? Why, the right wing media of coursethe NY Daily News, the Washington Times, and Rupert Murdoch's Times of London. Having entered the newsstream, it will no doubt be picked up by thousands of sources. Let's try tracking the number of hits it gets in Google News. At the moment it's... 8. Four of those are stories about Soros demanding an apology. Sidebar: What's he got against garages? From 2001, here's one for the file labeled "Bush cannot deal with criticism": Irony Alert. Theresa LePore (R), the woman who gave us the Butterfly Ballot, has apparently lost her bid for reelection as Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections. With 100% of the vote counted, she is trailing Dr. Art Anderson (D), 52% to 48%. The problem is that LePore's own office counted more than 100% of the vote: over 6,000 more absentee ballots were recorded than the number that were actually sent in. All the Palm Beach absentee votes are being recounted. Hardball time? (1620 PDT) Is this the start of Kerry getting some payback over the Swiftboat smear? A new story in the charmingly-named Blue Lemur hits Bush with a disclosure sure to earn the wrath of veterans: Back | Comments (remove NOSPAM) |